Madness on the motorway!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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I drove Richard to work this morning so that i could have our car. Its about 45 miles each way. Normally I dont bother and just get the trams and buses around Budapest because they run so often and are really cheap but lately they have also smelled like pee and i feel dirty and smelly when i get off them lol.
Most the journey into Székesfehérvár (try saying that when your drunk!) is on the motorway so it doesn't take that long to drive. Anyway on my way back to Budapest I see a car parked at a weird angle on what passes for the hard shoulder here in Hungary. Its still half on the outside lane of the road!! A man and a woman were at the front of the car kicking the crap out of each other! There wasn't another car anywhere so I'm assuming that the two of them set off on their journey together in the car. They were really going for it too!
I keep checking the Budapest news because I'm sure there will be something about a man throwing his wife into traffic on the M7!
I also had a wagon reverse up a slip road (one way and not the way he was going lol) towards me but that's a fairly normal occurrence here!
Hungarians are weird.
:rotfl: and I thought I saw some wierdo drivers in London!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
A few years ago, I was in a car with some family in Germany and in front of us there was a car pulling a horsebox. It was raining and the horsebox started to sway erratically so we slowed down. Unfortunately the box flipped over and all the traffic slowed down. It all happened in slow motion but the girl whose horses were inside was hysterical as the horses apparently needed to be put down as they were on top of each other and if the box had been opened they would have tried to run all over the motorway. Luckily my mum, sister and brotheri-in-law are all doctors so could treat the poor girl for shock but it was such a sad thing to witness and I felt so sorry for the poor horses. :( Never did find out if they got put down or not.

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