made it to the 3rd trimester:)


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2005
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Just wanted to say hi to everyone here :wave:
Getting bigger quickly and can't wait for bambino to arrive, it's just that much closer now :D

Bev x x
welcome to the third tri :D

you can take tanketts place as she's just had her baby :lol:

welcome to the third trimester. :wave: :wave:

could you please tell us three interesting things about yourself ? Such as can you touch your nose with your tongue ? and do you like male genitalia? :D
Funny enough, I can touch my nose with my tongue, quite gross but my DH has no complaints :dance: sorry TMI :oops:

Other uninteresting facts are: complete sci-fi nut, huge heavy metal fan, jumped out of an aeroplane once and wannabe pirate (how much do ya love Captian Jack Sparrow!)

Bev x x
but do you like male genitalia?

you sound interesting. you'll never be a pirste jumping out of planes though. you need a boat.
budge said:
but do you like male genitalia?

I developed a loathing of male genitalia at around the same time I started the third tri :think:

Welcome on board hun :hug:
Thanks everyone :hug: :hug:

Male genitalia got me where I am today, so I can't really complain :wink:
Must say though, it's very versatile, some men can lift a car with it, make it look like a hamburger or carry home the shopping with it, if only!! :D

Bev x x
bev said:
Thanks everyone :hug: :hug:

Male genitalia got me where I am today, so I can't really complain :wink:
Must say though, it's very versatile, some men can lift a car with it, make it look like a hamburger or carry home the shopping with it, if only!! :D

Bev x x

Thanks all for the warm welcome it's definately reassuring being here with you all.
Can't believe how fast the time has gone by already, the only realisation is when I look down to put shoes on and I can't see my feet cuz my bumps in the way!!

Bev x x
you should hear my breathing when i try to do my trainers up :rotfl:
oh dear what have we let ourselves in for!!!! Welcome Bev, enjoy your 3rd tri :roll:

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