Made a complaint


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
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After yesterdays performance at the hossie. If you dont know, I went in yesterday and saw a different doctor who I thought was seeing how far dilated I was and it turned out she'd given me a sweep then told me to expect to go into labour within 48 hours. She then put a massive amount of pressure on me to go upstairs to be induced and was saying "I can break your waters now" When I refused as I was at the hossie on my own, had not consulted OH and had DD to sort out she made me feel like shit and basically said if anything happened to LO then its my fault as she'd offered to have LO out this weekend.
Only thing I agreed to was a daily trace so I went the labour ward today for it and brought it up with the head MW there who was not happy.
Apparantly this doctor is a trainee registrar and should not have carried out any proceedure without full explaination and consent which I know but a bit late considering she'd already done it and told me later.

She brought in a senior registrar who will be informing the consultant on monday and has made an appointment for us to speak to him next week. MW said that we've enough confidence to bring it to our attention and what if she was doing it to more vulnerable women who dont have the confidence to refuse or complain. Registrar said based on the 3 traces Ive had this week there is absolutely nothing to indicate the baby is in any kind of distress and nothing to warrant a sweep or any kind of artificial intervention. We should have first had a trace and then based on that a sweep discussed and me given time to discuss my options with OH, none of which happened.

They were brilliant at the hospital today and have restored our faith somewhat and I know something will be done as the trainee obviously should not be practicing on that level of supervision, she should consult a senior before carrying out ANY invasive proceedure.

Ive now had a show so expect LO anytime. I am still mighty pissed off that I was violated in that way but at least the hospital are addressing it.
:shock: OMG I'm not surprised you made a complaint, that is awful.

I hope everything else goes well. Keep us posted, and good luck :hug: :hug: :hug:
:shock: omg. that person is well out of order. im glad you made a complaint.

good luck with the labour. it wont be long now :)
:shock: :shock: :shock: omg hun how dare they treat you like that so glad you made a complaint :hug:
hope your holding your LO soon xxxxxxxx
omg :shock:
glad you made a complaint! thats really out if order!
good luck with labour
hope ur not waitin 2 long
well doen for complaining but glad you had a better experience today

come on out LO
Thats terrible, glad you had the guts to complain.

Good luck with LO arriving :hug:
Glad you complained, I wish i had when i was badly treated at the hopstial. I was to wrapped up in my newborn baby to complain at the time.
Glad to hear you complained........some people wouldn't have the confidence too and that horrid person would keep getting away with that kind of dreadful bahaviour - totally unacceptable!

Glad you have been reassured a bit, and I hope all goes well when you go in to have lo.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I just noticed on my notes she's wrote urine/blood++ Errr no I didn't. The support worker checked that in front of me and said its clear, she never said it had blood in at any point. Wonder if she was trying to use that to justify an induction?

I'll also mention that when I see consultant next week.

No sign of LO yet, have had the plug coming out all day yesterday and today, my flower is stinging and had 3 or 4 contractions last night then nuffin :wall:
It won't be long now hun, it's horrible all the waiting around but just remember every single bit of uncomfortableness or pain is worth having for your LO!
well no expert but you seem to be moving in the right direction :hug:

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