Maclaren Quest or Petite Star Zia???


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Come on ladies, which should I buy and why? From the point of view of:

* Mass - the Maclaren wins (5kg vs 6.3kg) which is good for tiny me.
* Compactness when folded - the Zia wins (it folds into 'quarters' like the Quinny).

So I need opinions I want to buy one soon!!!
I say the Zia as I like the Quinny's and thinking of one of them :D
Ive had a Zia and i did like it but the only one bad thing that i found was that the back support was rubbish as it's in sections it kinda curves so ryan always slouched in it. altho he was only in it till he was 5 months so maybe it would be different for an older baby
Quest baby!! I love mine, its so small anyway so finding a home for it shouldnt be a prob.
I have just got a Quest and I love it! I got the Lulu Guiness one with the flowers all over it, very pretty!!!!

I looked at a Zia too and it seemed a bit flimsy, all a bit wobbly, and I agree with Littlepip the seat didn't look very supportive when say right up.
Tillytots said:
Quest baby!! I love mine, its so small anyway so finding a home for it shouldnt be a prob.

Agree completely on this! We love our Quest!
I had a quest for Jsmes, it was brilliant, lightweight yet sturdy :)
i love the zia, jam has such comfy naps in it leavin me to do my shoppin in peace lol!! :lol:
I bought the Zia in the end. Thanks for your comments girls I'll post a photo of her in it on Facebook soon :dance:

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