lumpy and bumpy


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2011
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ok don't laugh... but last night i was lyin in bed feeling around my lower stomach, like right above the knicker line and i can feel something in there like its hard and its lumpy and bumpy as described in the thread title.. could this be baby? xxx
I would have said so hun. Keep an eye on it mine moved around a bit after a while. We used to play follow the baby. lol. xx
ah cool :) the baby is definatley well protected in there isnht he/she? because i'm sort of addicted to poking in and around... not deep, hard pokes but not just rubbin my hand over the area if you get me? woudln't want to do baby any harm.. xxx
No they are well protected. I am terrible for poking at mine with the hb doppler just to annoy him sometimes. lol
haha thats good.. our babies probably hate us already for annoying them so much haha xxx
Defo sounds like baby! I love it when he comes to the front, it turns into hide and seek :p my tummy is soft when he isn't there, but where he is it goes all hard, and can sometimes make out arms and legs. Funny when I touch it (like you, I can't help it once I know he's there!) and he squirms away :good: aww its so cute
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I noticed this when I was about 16 weeks, was poking at my belly and there was a hard lump there. I don't notice it that often these days but I'm sure it was baby!
I had this with my daughter and i have it again this time :)

When i asked about it last time my MW said it was baby. I poke mine all the time and find it moves around a little, sometimes goes missing but i think maybe thats a hint for me to stop :oooo:
ive got some hard bits but i think those are the walls of my uterus/stomach muscles theyre at the bottom sides of my tum and im pretty sure they arent baby. just feels like lil ridges going upwards lol

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