Low uterus pain/pressure 4 weeks 2 days?


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2018
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I have had three miscarriages and no live births yet. This is my fourth pregnancy and my HCG looks much better than the previous three 12dpo it was 189, 14 dpo it was 496 (high!). But I am having really annoying pain that almost feels like pressure pressing on my lower uterus almost like where it meets the cervix. It feels like heavy and dull pain bearing down (sort of), and I am worried because I had this feeling before in my miscarriages.

Is this normal? Would appreciate any guidance--this is so anxiety-inducing.
It can be. In all my pregnancy’s I’ve felt like I’m about to come on my period for ages. Are they going to give you an early scan to put your mind at rest ? X
Sounds normal to me, I had a similar feeling for most of my pregnancy..
Doing a 6.5 week scan next week, and because I feel like I'm having symptoms of miscarriage again I'm doing another beta tomorrow. It's so hard having a history of recurrent miscarriage to feel any hope whatsoever.
Fx everything is ok. Are you having any bleeding? That’s the only symptom that I’d worry about. I had a lot of cramping all throughout my pregnancy and was very worried in tri 1.
Fx everything is ok. Are you having any bleeding? That’s the only symptom that I’d worry about. I had a lot of cramping all throughout my pregnancy and was very worried in tri 1.

Not yet but I'm on progesterone suppositories which I've heard can delay miscarriage? :/
If you’ve only had pain, stay positive :) pain really is normal in healthy pregnancies too. Progesterone also causes cramps. Have you had any pregnancy symptoms? Like nausea, sore breasts etc.
I had more cramping and pain really low down in my successful pregnancy and this one than in any of those I lost. There is a huge amount of growth happening and no room for it so it is perfectly normal to have pain in Tri 1.

I hope it's all good news for you but 6.5 weeks for a scan is very early so you may not get a definitive answer and have to go back. X

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