Low lying Placenta


Active Member
May 29, 2007
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Hi all,

I had my 20 week scan yesterday & was told that I had a low lying placenta, where it's close to/covering slightly the opening of the cervix. I have to go back at 36 weeks for a scan to see if it's moved, but if not I'll be booked in for a C-section at 39 weeks.

I've read up about this since & I know only a small % of women end up having a C-section but I'm really worried. I've spent the last 4 months preparing myself for labour & giving birth, only to be told now that I might not get to experience it as they just cut me open & whip it out. I'm worried that as I haven't gone through labour, I won't go through the emotions associated or be able to bond with my baby. Also, I live in a first floor flat & having a C-section means I'm going to be pretty much house-bound for about 6 weeks which will probably depress me even more.

I just think having to wait until 36 weeks is a long time without knowing, and it only gives me a few weeks to prepare myself psychologically for the birth. Do you think I should ask for the scan to be earlier? Is this possible?

Am I being irrational? Has anyone else experienced this?

Sorry to go on but I am really worried about this.
I had a low lying placenta too. It did move thankfully, but I still ended up with a section as LO decided to try for a breech entrance into the world :roll:
I had low lying placenta too, I believe it's quite common, but by 36 weeks it had moved up. The placenta is fixed to the wall of your womb so as the womb grows the placenta normally moves upwards too.

Don't worry I'm sure it'll be just fine

I had one which was almost totally covering the cervix, but by 36 weeks it had moved. I think it should be OK, so try not to worry.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
It's bound to be a worry and really unsettling for you but I think you should go with the fact that only a small percentage need the c section and you are unlikely to be one of them. The odds of you needing one are slim.
The one bit of advice that I've been given is not to have a fixed plan for the birth as it doesn't always go to plan and it seems that hospitals are pretty good now at ensuring that you bound with the baby quickly after a c section. A mate of mine had one and she said she didn't have that much discomfort afterwards and that the pain killers are really good.
But the odds are you'll be having the birth that you want.
They noticed this at my 20 wk scan too, and I just went for a follow up scan yesterday. It's still a bit low so I'm booked back in for another scan in 3 weeks. I've been really looking forward to the birth and feel that I will be upset if I can deliver naturally too, but it may be in the right position and something else may happen. Good luck, hope it moves to the right position (well it doesn't actually move but you know what I mean) xx
Of all the thousands of women that have a low laying placenta only 5% end up having to undergo a c-section. I honestly wish they would put ladies minds at rest as so many of the placentas will move around themselves as the uterus grows, between now and 36 weeks it will be gosh about 800 times the size it is now...that's a lot of room for it to shift by itself. Don't panic or worry about it at the moment, I honestly think you'll find it will move around itself as you grow. :hug:
I have a low lying one as well at 23 weeks. I paid to have another scan done privately so I could find out how low lying and what my chances are of it moving since I knew nothing about this sort of thing.

scan was detailed but showed it lies right across the cervix but the main section is attached a bit further up the side. so no real danger af major hemoraging as I grow.

ob thinks 50/50 chance it could move enough out of the way to give birth naturally. I am going to have another scan at about 30 weeks to check on progress as like you i need to make plans about recovery as I live in a fourth floor flat with only narrow stairs and no other relations in this country except DH.

RCOG has some good information on it.

good luck with it
I agree with all the above! I hope you feel reasured - these ladies know what they are talking about!

It's worth asking if you'd like an earlier scan. In my first pregnancy I too had a low lying placenta noticed at my 20wk scan. My follow up scan was booked for 28wks so I think it is possible. That was 9yrs ago in Surrey. All was well and it was much higher up!

Good luck!

Thanks so much girls, I feel sooo much better now.

When I go for my 28 week appointment I'm going to ask the MW about the possibility of getting a scan at 32 weeks. Looking at the websites, it looks like they can tell by then if it is still low-lying & at least I'll know in plenty of time to prepare myself for the birth.

MooCow, good luck with yours, I hope all goes well at your next scan love,

Thanks again!

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