Low levels in my amneadic fluids*sorry dont know how to spell it right *


New Member
May 31, 2012
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Hello everyone i am new here and really don't know where eles to turn to but i will explain what has been going on this past week.i went for my ultrasound at 19 weeks and 5 days and i found out i am having a lil baby boy :) but the next day i had goten a call back that my resaults were in.when i had goten there he had told me that my fluids were low and they couldnt see things clearly with the baby which could of been cuz the fluids were low im not sure but he freaked me out and told me i need to have another ultrasound in 2 weeks.i left the doctors officer and took matters in to my own hands and went in to the E.R after 7 hours of geting no where with them they told me they wouldnt be checking my fluids all they had down was hearing the babys heart and a mini ultrasound but it didnt show how low fluids were ..my babys heart rate has always been really good and he is always moving on the ulrasound..so after the hospital i just went home .and tryed to relax and go to sleep i had been mocked and treated like a dog at that hospital my pluse was even at 150..so 2 days ago i called an ob and got in the very nxt day she had my resaults faxed to her officer of the ultrasound and she explained it wonderfully to me she did say the levels were low around 11.8 or something like that and they wanna do another ultrasound in 2 weeks to see if anything had changed i guess..i just dont know what to think anymore i feel like im going insaneee!!! has anyone gone threw this before?
The amount of amnotic fluid continues to rise until about 33 weeks , so the check up in two weeks means they can see if the situation has changed or not. Normal is between 800mls and 1000mls . At about 20 weeks alot of the fluid is baby's pee so it's possible he/she is not peeing enough that's what the doctors will be checking his/her kindeys etc.. I hope this helps and I hope it sorts itself out ok for you both try not to worry it's important you keep to the appointments they give you though. All the best xx

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