low kicks


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i just felt some kicks REALLY low down, like near my pubic bone (seemed that low anyway!)- it was kinda uncomfortable, one strong one was almost painful!!??
i still havent felt any really high ones, i dont think theyre ever higher than my bellybutton
I used to get them really low all the time, now i get them all over the place.
same here one day i might get them really low and ive even felt some just above my belly button between there and my ribs

Ive had them i think as long as they can go and other times higher then my belly button
i get really low ones too.

there usually low kicks rather than high ones. but i do get some higher up now :)
I get low ones too. I was sat having a coffee with my friend yesterday and it felt like the baby was trying to kick his way out down there!

My face was a picture I should think! :lol:
I get kicked all over, sometimes its really low down and sometimes its high up. Sometimes I can feel kicks high up and like a tickly feeling lower down which I assume is his hands :)
i get them low down too... but some days i get them high up... but only sometimes.....

but mine haven't started to hurt yet
He kicks me everywhere, well I say 'kick' he could be using his arms or anything :lol: They differ from really light to very strong, and some are a shaky, quiver feeling, like I've got a jibber jabber in there, I think that's when he's really excited hehe As for them being 'painful', maybe just new, different and uncomfortable sometimes, it's just amazing when he moves and moves me :D

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