low blood pressure...


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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Anyone else got low blood pressure? Just wondering how it affects your pregnancy? Other than maybe dizzy spells im not sure if it makes much difference x
I don't just now Hun but didn't want to read and run

Hey I had it in last pg it affected me badly I was signed off work as I couldn't stand for longer than 10 mins without blacking out and fainting! As soon as I had k it went xx
I have really low blood pressure - always not just with pregnancy, When I went to the out of hours docs at the hosp yesterday she said my blood pressure was very very low, however it's better than high blood pressure, it just means you have to be careful when standing up quickly etc as you can blackout or faint!

Nothing to worry about - hope thus helps?

i have got really low bloood pressure always do when pregnant no idea when not pregnant cause i always pregnant lol. It actually doesn't effect me at all i know the midwives say i can faint but never have. mine isn't too bad at the moment its 90/50 which is quite high for me. my friend has it though i think hers is 100/60 which i didn't think was low and she has fainted loads, so i think it effcts people differently
Hi Hon

I've had low blood pressure all my life and have found that as long as I eat regulary and don't get up too quick I don't have too many problems. Midwife warned it might get worse for me in pregnancy though! I've fainted lots in the past which is horrible but like I said just make sure to snack lots so your blood sugar never gets too low and avoid hot baths/saunas as these can make you feel quite dizzy. When in doubt have a sit down till the feeling passes x x
Had a low reading myself when I was first at the midwife 90/60 but she at the time assured me this was normal for early pregnancy xx

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