Loving the 36 week midwife appt except...


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2011
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Great appt,wee fine, bp fine, baby measuring fine and got to hear the heartbeat;only problem is, whilst baby is head down, Eddie is back to back any tips on getting him to wiggle round?

Other top bits were the midwife telling hubby I need lots of naps and that from next week need to be taking raspberry leaf tea and having lots of action! Bless him, I thought he might just cry at that prospect. He has not embraced pregnancy action!!!

Glad it all went well, Bouncing on birthing ball is meant to help get them in a good position i think? x
I think also getting on all fours and rocking is supposed to be good at getting them into the right position xxx
Glad ur mw appt went well, hope ur lil man wriggles round into the right position soon xx
I've heard the all 4's thing works too xxx
Lol love the post! I was shocked last week when at my MW appt when she told me baba is now breech. I'm also having my cervical suture out on Tuesday so have been on all fours all week trying to get her in position. Not sure if it has worked but it's lovely for my back xxx
Poor hubby...:shock: :smile:

I had an info leaflet from the NCT about this - so as the others have said, spend at least 10 minutes on your hands and knees, rocking or whatever, every day. Don't spend too much time lying back on a sofa or in bed - try and sit in leaning-forwards positions as much as possible. If you're at a dining chair, maybe try sitting facing the back of the chair. If you sit at a desk make sure you're not slumping back, so push your seat back away from the desk a bit so you're leaning forwards more. Basically, if you think of your belly as a kind of hammock that baby will want to lie back on, you must try to keep the bottom of the hammock at the front of your body instead of the back. Sleep on your left as much as possible too. Sit on a birthing ball instead of the sofa as it encourages a better posture.

I don't know if any of this works, but maybe it's worth a try? Some babies are in a great position before labour and then turn back to back during labour anyway... :eh:
Thank you guys, I will give them all a try.

Perhaps the sight of my giant pregnant ass on all fours will get hubby in the mood!!! Xx

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