lots of symptoms but daren't take a test.


New Member
Oct 27, 2010
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Hello everyone,
this is my first time on the form. Only signed up today. I really need some support.
We have been trying to concieve for a couple of months, since our wedding night.
I feel under a lot of pressure. My husband thought that it would be easy to concieve, however when I told him that I had not conceived he was really disappointed. What has made it worse is that brother in law and sister in law have been trying too, They announced the other day that they are 2 months pregnant. Myself and DH felt very sad as we wanted to be the next ones to say to his mum that she was going to be a grandma.

Trying to put that aside, I am due AF in two days. I have been obsessing about symptoms, however what I am experiencing could definitely be AF.

5 DPO I experienced twinges in my right side. felt like trapped wind but it was constant for about a day.

6DPO Nothing

7DPO twinge in right side again. cramping like AF was going to arrive any minute.

8DPO constant cramping in right side.

9DPO Nothing, but very emotional.

10DPO Very light brown spotting, slight tingling in breasts.

11DPO Painful BBs. sensitive nipples when brushed over. occasional burning sensation in BBs. BBs feel bigger than normal. In the evening, very watery mouth. Back ache.

12DPO (today) Very watery mouth, tender BBs, throbbing at times (No AF cramping yet) creamy CM. emotional.

I'm due on in two days. Everything points to AF but I can't get the niggling feeling out of my head that this could be it. I don't want to test tho.

Anyone feeling the same
Some of those symtoms do sound very positive! Is there any reason you do not want to test? You could get a result with First Response they pick up early!
I just want to say good luck. They are all very hopeful signs but try not to get your hopes up (weve all done it on here) wait til you have your af or not as the case maybe. There is nothing wrong with testing either as the first response are apparently really good. Take care and wish you lots of baby dust xxx
Thanks girls.
I don't want to test because I tested too much last time and I was heart broken every time I saw a BFN. I felt a failure. Silly, I know, but I'd rather wait and see if AF comes in a couple of days, then if I'm late, I'll test.

I'm trying not to get my hopes up, because you can almost imagine symptoms as you read about them.

Nice to feel like I can talk to someone.

I understand and its hard being a test addict so best not get into those ways. I admire youre strength. Take care and let us know when you know anything all the best x
Got everything crossed for you! :-)
Good luck...this could be your turn, all the signs are there. Its caught a lot of Ladies out, symptom spotting, especially as some pregnancy signs are the same or similar to AF so I admire you willing to wait to test until you are actually late for AF. Nobody likes the BFN eh? Sprinkling loads of baby dust your way!

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