lost our boy to Strep B


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May 22, 2014
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Hi there,
My girlfriend was pregnant with non identical twins. She has had a miscarriage in the past and has been diagnosed with Strep B. During this pregnancy they was aware she carries Strep B and of the miscarriage because we told them every time and its all on records.

During this pregnancy the babies were absoloutly fine and kicking all the way through with good heartbeats. Her waters broke at 33 weeks and 5 days (tuesday), we went straight into hospital where they examined her and we told them then that she carries Strep B, they took a swab and did other tests to see if the baby was distressed. No results came back to us, we were kept completely in the dark and because of this we wern't worried.
They gave her a room and put her on a baby moniter and had a good listen to the heartbeats and kicks and noted all tightenings down. Everything was fine with the both of them. They gave my girlfriend oral antibiotics due to her waters breaking, she got monitered roughly twice that day with only good results.

The day after everything was still fine but during her tightenings the boys heart would drop slightly and lift again when the tightenings was over but they wern't concerned. The day after that they monitered her first thing in the morning and noticed his heart rate was dropping this time without the tightenings so they tried again 5 minutes after and noticed it was still doing it, the doctor came round and had a look and asked when she last ate because they might have to do a c section but its not urgent, he said he will come a few hours later in the afternoon and check again, he left the room but came back 5 minutes later and put her back on the moniter and noticed his heart rate was dropping significantly which is when they took her for an emergency c section. He was born without a pulse and had to be resussitated. For the next 3 days he was on a ventilator and a lot of other things but the main concern was that his brain was abnormally unactive due to the lack of oxygen which they are unsure what caused it.
A day or 2 after birth they did tests and he was negative for meningitis and they said his infection was clearing, after a few tests they found he had Strep B. We dont know much so didnt really queston them, we was under the impression his Strep B was clearing but they was unsure what caused the lack of oxygen to the brain. After 4 days us and the doctors decided to turn the machines off and let him pass, it was the hardest thing wev'e ever had to do.

They was still unsure what caused the lack of oxygen. Her waters broke on tuesday, the babies were born on thursday and my boy passed on sunday, today is a week since they have been born and all this time we have been asking for a meeting with her obstratician and we just keep getting fobbed off saying he's too busy to see us. Yesterday we got the news that the person they have been chasing isn't even the person who delivered them and they are unsure who it is, which is very unprofessional. We just want answers and no-body will spend 10 minutes to explain to us why all this happened. Iv'e decided if he doesn't see us in the next few days i'm going to hand it over to soliciters because I believe preventions could of been made and our baby boy would be here today. After some research my girlfriend should of been put on IV antibiotics and she should of been induced or taken for a c section. They waited over 50 hours before they took her for a c section which in my mind is ridiculous knowing her waters have broke and she has Strep B, Why did they leave them in there? he was fit and healthy. Fortunately my little girl was fine and she is doing well and helping us through this but i cant help think this could of been avoided and completely fobbing us off is really starting to anger me now and is just plain rude to do so. Please could anyone give me some advice on weather what they did was correct or incorrect. Sorry for the long story but i need to include every detail.
Thank You
Hi there, I don't have any advice or experience but I just wanted to say how sorry I was for your loss. I can understand you must feel very angry and hurt and it's so unfair that nobody will speak to you.

I hope they talk to you and give you the answers you need soon as I can imagine the not knowing is terrible.

Hi Karl,

Words cannot express how sorry I am that you and your girlfriend had to go through this. I cant even imagine what you are both experiencing right now. Its shocking that no one has been able to give you any infromation on what happened even now a week later, unprofessional doesnt even begin to describe it.
I really hope someone is able to see you soon and give you some information. Perhaps consider filing an official complaint with the hospital? Sorry I cant be more helpful, thoughts are with you both and your little girl

Hello there. So, so sorry to hear about your loss. xxx I hope that you can get some answers soon as to why they handled it like they did.
I'm so sorry to hear this.
Unfortunately I know very little about Strep B so can't really give any advice.
I'm sending big hugs though :hugs: x
Thank you everybody, our little girl holly is really helping us through it. Its so difficult because we have questions to be answered still, yet were planning the funeral. I dont want to find anybody responsible for his death, i want to know nothing could of been done, but im starting to think otherwise now. Im doing as much research as i can but seing holly and sorting everything else out is taking up so much time!
I have strep b and had to fight for the iv antibiotics in my second pregnancy ! So sorry for your loss :(
Hi Karl, I am sorry you are going through the emotions of joy and sadness together. I do not have experience of your situation but normally hospitals close rank when something serious happens. I would contact a solicitor so you can get everything written down when you remember it fresh. I would also put your request to meet the person involved in writing to the hospital - recorded delivery, this way they might take it seriously. I cannot imagine the pain of losing your little boy or the frustration of not knowing what happened. You are entitled to know exactly what happened so you can have peace of mind and be able to enjoy your new baby daughter. X
Go to your local press, bet the hospital will speak to you then!! Xxx
I'm so sorry for your loss and totally heartbroken for you.
I think their actions were very slow paced and misjudged. I can only speak from personal experience obviously. I too have strep B and I went into hospital because I couldn't feel my baby move, after being on a trace for 2 hours they decided to induce me and scanned me. They found nothing obviously wrong with the baby but still decided to induce me. As they were prepping everything for that my baby's heartbeat dropped and then went up, I went to the loo, came back and it dropped again. The doctor took me in for an emergency c-section and my girl was born. Turns out the placenta had haemorraged and she lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion. Had they induced me and ignored the heart rate dropping my girl wouldn't have made it. Group B didn't play a part in this but the quick action the doctor took certainly did.

I would definitely make a complaint, go to solicitors and like someone else said, go to press about it! I'm so so sorry once again, I can't imagine what you and your wife are going through.x
Thanks again people. I don't fancy writing to the press just yet as im still not 100% sure they did anything wrong but i'm starting to believe they have. I have just written everything up with times, dates and everything what happened including resources to trusted information on government and nhs websites as to what the procedure should of been. I will be calling Irwin Mitchell solicitors very shortly and forwarding this onto them to see what they think.
Im so sorry for your loss! Truely awful for you. I was worried about StrepB during my pregnancy as I knew that it could have quite serious implications for a baby. I personally paid for a private test for checking that I didnt have it when I was at my due date. It angers me the NHS dont routinely screen for it as soon as a mum goes into labour. I do know that if you have StrepB then you are definetly supposed to be hooked up to antibiotics during your labour as a precaution. I have experience of a close family member unfortunately passing away due to hospital negligence and I would definetly say that they will close ranks to try to investigateit themselves initially. Writing everything down is a must although hard. I would also say when you are ready maybe go for a solicitor too.

I wish you, your oh and little girl all the hapiness in the world! Take care!! Xx
I am so very sorry for the loss of your little boy! Words just don't cut it when something like this happens!!..... My best friend had strep b in her first and second pregnancies- I honestly think its routine to have iv antibiotics during labour if u r known to carry it! I think maybe even 2 doses! .....It sounds like they r trying to cover something up by not giving u the time to discuss what happened and answer questions! My first port of call would be PALS and see if they can help (patient advice and liaison service). I truly hoped u get the answers u both deserve and that your little girl continues to thrive xxxx
Thanks guys, everything is wrote down. I gave the soliciters a ring but they were a bit busy so hopefully that will be underway tomorrow. A friend is helping sort the funeral for us and has rang around 5 places and they was all disgusted that they havent offered a service or even any advice! We asked the staff about a funeral and they said we have to sort it all because its a personal thing. Could anyone advise me on this please? Thanks
i dont have any advice for you, i just wanted to say i am so sorry for your loss. The way you are being treated is awful! i really hope you and your girlfriend get some closure soon xx
I am so sorry for your loss, i also myself had strep b and I was put on IV antibiotics when I went into labour as this is protocol! They should not have left her that is awful! I hope u get thanks answers u both need soon.
Sending lots of luv your way
I'm sorry for your loss! I don't know much, but when I was induced and they broke my waters, they told me I had 48 hours from my waters going to delivering, otherwise it would a c section. If defo sounds like something has not been done right!!

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