Loss of blood - should I be worried??


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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Hi Everyone,

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I had a show of brown blood when i wiped after going to the loo last night then it turned into light spotting. Again this morning when I got up I had the same and it dwindled off into nothing again.

Does this sound worrying or could it be normal spotting at this stage? I don't really have a good feeling about it. My worry is that it could be ectopic as my lower back is aching and I've had a few twinges down the left side of my womb.

I'm going to see how I am during the course of today and see if I need to go to hospital or if it goes back to normal.

Anyone else experience this? Please be honest even if it sounds bad - I want to be aware of what is happening.

Thanks everyone x
i've never experienced it but if you worried i would call your midwife :hug:
hey chick! :wave:

i had spotting at 6 weeks and went for an early scan a week later and everything was fine. i just went to a and e and they were really helpful, saw me straight away and referred me to the epu.

it put my mind at rest as they checked whether i was still bleeding etc. so if you are worried just go to your a and e. i still have no explaination for it i think it seems to be just one of those things.

hope everything is ok. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I didn't experience any bleeding in the first trimester but did have some in the 2nd trimester. Everyone advised me that if the blood is brown it is probably old blood and not something to be too concerned about. Only if it is bright red should you be worried. I also remember having a lot of really sharp twinges on my right hand side or left hand side in the early first trimester and I was told this is completely normal and just the pelvic muscles loosening to make way for the growing baby.

If you have more bleeding you can go to the early pregnancy unit and they should do a scan. The unit is especially for such things as bleeding in early pregnancy and they might be able to put your mind at rest by doing a vaginal scan rather than a normal ultrasound as those tend to be more acurate at such an early stage.

Hope it all turns out ok.

:( :( :(

Just went to the loo and there is alot of red blood so it's not looking good at all now.

I'm beginning to doubt whether I was ever even pregnant but at least I submitted a urine sample at the doctors so they can tell me the result of that, that way I'll know more what's happening.

feeling a bit upset right now :(
Hey hun,

I would get yourself down to A&E sweety and they will arrange for a scan etc there, it will put your mind at rest.

I know its hard but try not to worry.

How much are you bleeding if you dont mind me asking, how often are you changing pad?

:hug: Chin up, Im thinking of you xxx
:hug: fingers crossed hun. Try and get a scan asap.
Aww hun, i agree get yourself down to A+E tgo get checked out. :hug:
Well Eva took my mind off it a bit last night by throwing up for 3hours and projectile vomiting everywhere. Poor little thing couldn't move without gagging and I was getting worried about her towards the end but we took her to get checked out and they said that it looked like a virus and to keep her off solids until she stopped being sick. She finally fell asleep at 12am and I have a huge pile of washing to do now.

But ... I'm still bleeding the same as yesterday. there is only spotting between visits to the toilet but there is always red blood when I go to the loo. I'm going to call my doctors now but i'm nervous incase they say I was never pregnant and that this is just my period. it's alot lighter than my normal period so I don't feel like it is. Just don't know what to think really, not sure what is happening. I'm having some cramp and lower back pain but not too much. More uncomfortable than anything.

I will keep you posted, thanks xx
Tori how are you this morning I hope everything has settled down. :hug:

How's Eva hopefully she had a good night and is on the mend poor little pet.
Tori - I am thinking of you and little Eva - please update when you can.

Best of luck

Valentine xxx
Hi Tori, Hope everything is ok. :hug: Please keep us posted. xx
oh Tori :hug:
So sorry to read this, You must go and see or at least speak to the doctor, they will know from your urine if you were pregnant or not & it has to be noted on your file. If you are MC then it will get heavy and you will experience like really bad period pain/contractions.

I have everything crossed for you hun.
Just a little update.

I went to the doctors today and my results weren't back from my urine sample from friday so they gave me a test there and then so I had a quicker result. It was another really faint positive so I'm not imagining things (phew)

She said that the faint positive today may be a bad sign because sometimes it would be stronger by now but is sending the sample off to the lab to be checked in more detail. Then I will probably need to do another one in a few days to see if I'm still pregnant or not after this bleeding.

If i continue to get positives they will book me in for a scan sometime after Monday as it is too early this week. but I basically just have to wait it out. The blood is coming and going as is the backache but there is only spotting between visits to the loo so that's positive I guess.

I have to ring the surgery at 4pm on wed for my results and to see what they think...

Feeling ok at the minute, just a bit confused and a bit down but Eva is taking my mind off it.


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