Loss again!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
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Hi Guys,

I think my body is seriously trying to tell me something I have miscarried again this morning!

After the year I have had I just want to throw in the towel tbh as the emotional and physical stress with constant worry is doing me head in!

This in turn is not helped with a useless hospital to boot Pembury Hospital in Kent (yes its the one with all the media stuff about the C-difacile deaths - part of there hospital trust).

I have been spoken to like a bit of rubbish after my m/c in March this year was told by a consultant to "go home and get over it" then in July when I had my Ectopic a surgeon told my husband over the phone "if we don't perform surgery now, your wife is going to end up dead next to you in the morning" and now doctors can't be even bothered to call to tell you your careplan following the latest m/c and why should I chase them?

I know there are people out there with more serious problems than me.. but when I need the help why isn't it there or in place?

Take care and good luck to everybody else in your pregancies.. i sincerely wish you all the best and that you get the care you rightly deserve!

i really dont know what to say, but im sorry for your loss :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sweetheart, i am so sorry for you losts :hug:

I wasnt treated very nice by my A&E either, is there no womens health clinic you can call? I was tranfaired to that and they treated me so nicely, has it was mostly nurses and midwives, who all really looked after me and helped me cope, also my GP is wonderful....Maybe you could see yours? :hug:
:hug: :hug: i am really sorry you have had to go through this again and your treatment sucks

dr's and consultants go to uni and train for years but they never get training on how to deal with people or comunicate, have you seen a midwife or nurse?
Im so sorry to hear how ur being treated my thought are with you and sorry to hear of ur loss lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: going ur way
Sorry for your loss,
I know how you feel hun, my hospital treated me so badly and now i'm scared to even go and get my pregnancy confirmed. There should be something in place to stop us getting treated like another statistic, they proberly have never experienced MC or loss and don't take our feelings into account.
I am so sorry to read this.
i have just suffered my 2nd miscarriage and the hospital, this time, was fantastic.
When I had my 1st miscarriage last september they were awful, and I suffered as a result.
When they scanned me the woman just said, 'No you're empty. There is nothing there.'
I was given a little pep talk, a leaflet and shown the door. I was then rushed in 3 days later with pains and ended up having a d+c.

This time they were very different. have you tried getting in touch with the miscarriage association?
I know my hospital has a ladies number you can phone, if you want to talk to her as she has had a miascarriage and Been there.

i hope you get things sorted out and soon. they shouldn't treat you this way,


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