LO's position for 2nd babies compared to first


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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About this time Alice turned head down and that is how she stayed right up to the end - back to back, but head down.

I think Lewis is still laying across my belly, he tends to move day to day though - did anyone find that there babies 2nd time around followed the same pattern as the first - i.e. can I expect Lewis to turn like Alice did and stay down? :think:

Is it down to the shape of my insides that mean what way they are likely to lay, or is it all down to what way baby wants to lay?
My first love doing summersaults right up to term and only engaged in labour.

My second was engaged from very early on 28 weeks or so, she was always head down though...oh and back to back :roll:
Mine have all been head down from early on. My younger 2 were back to back until labour. This one is also head down already so hope he stays that way.

However, my Mum had 2 head down babies then her 3rd was breech, who turned at 39 weeks. So I guess it's just down to what baby wants to do.

Hope he turns soon for you :hug:
It was touch and go whether Tia would be head down in time for birth... :lol: At 36 weeks she was still happily bum first and I was looking at a csection... we moved house and I think all the carrying of boxes on my bump encouraged her to go head first and I got away with it... She was back to back though although 9 years ago I had no idea what that was all about.

Lil miss on the other hand got head first at 20 weeks and just stayed there.. :) Dunno why, she was just more eager to come out I suppose :lol: She was fine till I was in labour and ended up being all over the place... :think: The midwife had to push the left side of my belly during contractions so she was in the right position.. it was very odd :lol:
my 2nd was changing position every week up till 33/34 weeks when she finally went head down
My son was breech until 36 weeks, this baby's been head down and in a good position since 28 weeks. So no pattern for me!

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