I bought a taggy...


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
I bought it off ebay for Riley and it arrived today.

I'm really pleased with it, its satin on one side and the lady can do pretty much any design on it you like, I asked for a dinosaur :)

Here's a pic:


It's covered in drool already LOL he absolutely loves it, he's more tactile than Mason and Brody were, and loves to hold a muslin etc, so I knew he'd like one :)

Here's the seller http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0050173063
its lovely :)
i made my own one for thomas not that hes remotly interested in it :(
Manda&Thomas said:
its lovely :)
i made my own one for thomas not that hes remotly interested in it :(

I've got a sewing machine but I'm not very good on it and just don't have the time at the moment.
thats lovely i might order one for summer
taggys are great luke still loves his now.
rusks said:
taggys are great luke still loves his now.

bams the same!

if u get it embroidered too... its nice to put in there memory box ;)
I had one made for Clark and he ignores it completely but his 18 month old cousin thinks it's the best thing ever and steals it at any given oppourtunity!
jayde has a taggy it came off ebay but shes not that intrested in it to be honest :(
Urchin said:
and loves to hold a muslin etc,

Daniels the same :D

That's a cool Taggy *why isn't there a 'thumbs up' smilie* :think:
Thanks for the recommendation Urchin - bought one today with Hello Kitty on and Connie's name :cheer:
Oh my sis bought one for Luke about 2 months ago with IgglePiggle on it and his name, dob and eight. LOVE IT! :D
Thanks Urchin, I got Fi a heffalump one with her name. She is always holding a muslin so i thought she might like it :)

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