LO gave me a bloody nose!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2005
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I cant believe it Ewan gave me a bloody nose today.
I was sat in the Renault service dept, whilst my car had a new key coded and cut, and Ewan was with me, for the first half hour he was great just playing by me, but he got bored and started running off down the show cars he did this a couple of times and i told him off, the third time he did it i tapped his hand and picked him up and the little sod head butted me square on the nose!! i was trying to stop the tears running down my face, as if you have ever hit your nose your eyes tend to water!! then i though i can smell blood!! put my hand to my nose and it was bleeding.
He head butts when he doesnt get his own way and i think just caught me unintentionally square on! i asked one of the service guys if they had a tissue but he just mumbles no sorry! i could find the loos so was sat there dabbing my nose with my fleece coat, and trying to stop ewan running off again!!!

So yesterday i had a migraine, and today i still have a sore head which hasnt been helped by a whack on the nose!!
awww no what a sod :(

Its so embarassing when you have to tell your child off in public and they dont listen to you, or do something such as head butting.

**huge hugs** :hug:

I wish I could say it gets better, but Zacks being such a pain lately.
Dont worry in 15 or so years we can kick them out :cheer: :cheer:
I know it was emmbarasing because at the moment he is going through a phase of saying a'bug'abug'abug.. but if said fast enough or if you dont listen it sounds like bugger (bugabugabuga...etc!!) and he was running around shouting it...

they must have thought he was a right terror!!
Oliver head butts hurt and he is only 7 months! That must have really hurt!

I only just remenber this.... When i was 11 my mums cousins had a child. they lived away but we went to them quite often with my grand parents. My Grandad always used to say.. ney be buggered. And the little boy picked up on it. He started to say it all the time. my sister and I thought it was funny. So he did it more.

It was not till a few months ago we realised what it meant, and how bad it was the littke boy was saying it!! We now cringe when we think about it!!
I hope this makes sense? it does to me but I know what I am meaning to say!

Lydia has given me some right painful headbutts - she's always doing it.
On more than 1 occasion I've been convinced that she's broken my nose!

thankfully I've never had a bloody nose.
Actually, my nose NEVER bleeds - literally - I've never had a nosebleed. I think I've got a nose made of iron or something lol.
oh god hun how embarrasing for u are u ok??
yesturday at the hospital Braydon was annoyed he couldnt play with the nurses chair he thro himself on the floor :oops:
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
oh god hun how embarrasing for u are u ok??
yesturday at the hospital Braydon was annoyed he couldnt play with the nurses chair he thro himself on the floor :oops:

I'm fine - pride a bit bruised!! i feel embarrased if i shout at him in public, and its terrible when he decides to have a tantrum and throw himself back wards in a shop!!

i'm quite shy at the best fo times!!
glad your nose is better hun, think they all do it, alex n chris had a habit of grabbing my hair which is really long then headbutting so i couldnt move!!

have to say the embarrassment of them misbehaving in shops n things dissappears more and more the more kids you have, you just realise that it happens to everyone there is nothing to worry about.. i go so red i'm like a walking furnace

only time it still gets to me is if i'm out with MIL cos i feel like i shouldnt tell him off in front of her lol.
hehe sorry that did make me giggle, the things or LO put us through hehe xxxxx

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