Live Birth

hevwithbump said:
jenna said:
i thought the programme was really scarey, they were all didnt see a "natural" birth! :cry: i would probably die if i had to have a panic and kill us both! :cry:

hiya, ricky again, hev was a little scared of the section but after she said she was glad she had it, so much easier then a natural birth, theres not much to panic about really, looks worse then it is, its a pity they didnt show the whole cutting open and whatever, would of liked to have talked hev through what she had done

I bet it was worse for you to have to watch. My hubby was a wreck thinking what I must be going through and I was just looking at him going "what? Is he here yet?" :lol:
yeah but im scared of the whole "cutting open" part, i dont panic about how it would feel (if you do feel anything) just the thought of it makes me feel dizzy. but then again iv passed out because of a paper cut lol... :wall:

I can just see myself having a panic attack if im told i have to have one :cry: im a right chicken!
hev back! i didnt get to see anything happen to me! i would love to know what happened
jenna said:
yeah but im scared of the whole "cutting open" part, i dont panic about how it would feel (if you do feel anything) just the thought of it makes me feel dizzy. but then again iv passed out because of a paper cut lol... :wall:

I can just see myself having a panic attack if im told i have to have one :cry: im a right chicken!

Aww hun I really wouldn't worry yourself about it. I really detested the thought of anyone cutting me open but when it's for your baby you tend to push every fear aside. I have been known to suffer from panic attacks and I worry about EVERYTHING but when it came down to them saying look I think it's best I was like yes ok. I knew my son had to come out and he wasn't coming naturally so I agreed. You don't feel or see anything. I had music played for me and I had a really nice man all the time talking to me and then I had my hubby holding my hand telling me how proud he was of me and then I heard my baby cry and saw his little squashed face and everything that was going on didn't matter. It took minutes to get him out and then I was in recovery and it was all over! I couldn't believe I had done it and coped! And now I'm totally fine, my scar you can hardly see and I have a gorgeous boy! It's amazing whatever way they arrive and when it comes down to it you're so anxious to meet your baby you don't know what's going on.
I saw Madi too :D I went in the kitchen to tell OH that Hev's baby was on tv and he was like who's hev! lol as if he goes on the forum and should know!
I was really worried when the baby was born by c-section and they were rubbing him and tapping his feet! She said her mother and other son was at home watching can you imagine how much she was panicking too! Then the presenter went over as if nothing was happening "here's the baby" then he relaised something was happening! what an akward situation!
The woman with the quads was amazing! id never cope and how on earth do you tell them apart!
dissapointed there wasnt a live birth though, altough I watch it on discovery health all the time!
Gosh it all sounds a bit scary....we dont get channel 5 down here so in a way im kinda pleased I didnt see it :rotfl:

Ignorance is bliss as they say ha ha ha
You didn't miss much TBH.
Rather dissapointing, the presenters were a bit ott, when they were talking to the parents of the baby with the tts (diapragm ) problems they were interviewing like every thing was alright, but as the mum said baby is still in hospital and not very well, presenter asked did they think at any time it would be touch and go, and are you glad shes through the worst of it now.
And the mum said no its still touch and go, shes still in hospital with pneumonia,

The presenters didn't seem to have much empathy at all, it all came across as being akward.

The c sect where they were tapping baby's feet, i said to hubby that baby isnt breathing, it very blue, and they all had these fake smiles on, presenter was asking if they were just drying the baby off and getting its circulation going, and they said no he's just being a bit slow to get breathing properly and presenter was tyring to tell the mum what was going on but he didn't have a clue!!
Dad didn't seem to thrilled with the name Kaleb either!.
Strangeness said:
hevwithbump said:
jenna said:
i thought the programme was really scarey, they were all didnt see a "natural" birth! :cry: i would probably die if i had to have a panic and kill us both! :cry:

hiya, ricky again, hev was a little scared of the section but after she said she was glad she had it, so much easier then a natural birth, theres not much to panic about really, looks worse then it is, its a pity they didnt show the whole cutting open and whatever, would of liked to have talked hev through what she had done

I bet it was worse for you to have to watch. My hubby was a wreck thinking what I must be going through and I was just looking at him going "what? Is he here yet?" :lol:

I wasnt too bad, felt a bit useless at some points, all the docs are going 100mph round ya and ya getting shoved around from corner to corner (nothing like the show last night, it was too calm on tv) but apart from that i wasnt to worried, just wanted em to get madi out ok and sort hev out, i didnt mind watching em operate, was pretty good actually, nice to see what hev looks like on the inside as well as the out LOL :wink:

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