How can I stop


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Arianna climbing everything.... and I mean EVERYTHING!!

I dont mind her obviously climbing on to the couch or bed as she is tall and steady enough that she isnt going to hurt herself, but this last week she has been climbing on to:
* Coffee Table (where she will sing and dance on it!)
* Toilet Seat
* Her toy Keyboard
* Into the bath

I'm doing the usual of saying "No" in a stern voice, and using her full name which she usually thinks "oh, oh I'm in trouble" but she is just giggling!

I'm so scared she falls and hurts herself!!

Her other new trick is to climb onto her little chair and table set and lie across the table like it is a boogie-board!

:roll: :x :roll: :x :roll: :x
not sure hun but OH's neice who has just turned two is the same, we went round the other night to their house and 2mins after walking in we found her climbing the dining table :lol:
I remember James doing that, he went through a phase of climbing on the computer desk and playing with the fax machine. OH missed loads of faxes from work. I never did find out how to stop it, he outgrew it eventually.
Haven't got any advice but I could do with some myself. I've given in taking Nathan off Aimees bed cos he just gets on again and he's fell off twice but it's not put him off. I found him today on top of a 4 draw chest of draws :shock: he'd climbed on a chair next to it then climbed up . I'm dreading him figuring out he can climb out of his cot!
its a phase they go through. my 21 month old (number 3) is doing it just as the other 2 did albeit more than them lol - i just take him down and say no and try not to make too much fuss because if i do he'll laff and do it more.
could you take her to tumble tots? they have loads of safe climbing things there, so she could climb in safety.

other than that - distraction techniques!
If you find out the answer to this can you tell me!

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