Little update


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2011
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Had my appointment with the diabetic team today, sugars are doing ok, team were all really nice. Was a little shocked the way she told me there was no chance I could go to the birthing centre, thought she could have sugar coated it a bit ( pardon the pun) basically she said... I see in your notes you want to go to the wjc.. I said yes... She replied, no, not a chance, completely unrealistic. Won't let that get to me though as they are doing what's best. Good news was baby was bouncing around so much she couldn't get a heart beat so did a quick scan! Showed us the head, heart, spine etc so that cheered me up ( that's my boy) measuring fine 37cm so was really pleased when they told me they want me to have a 28, 32, and 36 week scan!!! :dance: get to see my boy again! Head is still down... Fx it stays that way now lol
So all in all a good result... Shame I have to go to work now :( xx
ah bless sorry you cant have water birth but yeah you get extra scans x xx
Thank you suzzi. Was lovely getting a sneak peek at him today. Extra scans brakes the last few months down for me too. Been really dragging since 20 weeks x
Aaaww, hooray for extra scans! Part of the reason i booked our 4D scan was because i couldnt go 20 weeks without seeing him (3 weeks today!) Are they monitoring growth for diabetes? Sorry if ive missed earlier posts. I have my GTT next week, i dont have a high BMI but have PCOS so theyre checking just in case xx
Hi dollie, yeah it's all to measure growth. My early GTT was ok but as I have a family history of diabetes they are treating me for it (good job really as my sugars seem to be high in the morning. and after bread?! ) the nurse wrote my history down as they have not heard of such a strong family history in a very long time and someone there is researching genetic diabetes. (my mum, dad, both brother,grandad and uncle + me with my first have diabetes) obviously I would rather not have it, but I feel like I'm being very well looked after so it's not all bad x good luck with yours! Keep thinking about getting the 4d but think I'm getting enough now anyway lol x
Thanks, ill post updates on both :) x
Extra scans will be fab, shame about the birthing centre not being an option
yay for extra scans! sorry about the birthing centre not being an option :(

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