little update on my and Ruby


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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Hey girls! hope you all had a great christmas with your babies, we had a fantastic time!!!!

Ruby is doing so well, she is so strong now and tries to lift her head up. She is brilliant at night too, she usually wakes up once through the night for a bottle but over the past few weeks she has had nights where she hasnt woken up at all until at least 6-7am!!! how good is that!!!?? She has also started smiling loads and gurgling!

I am much better although still not completely right (bowel problems which are getting me down!!)

Cant believe Ruby is 9 weeks old already, it seems to have flown by but then again it feels like she has been here forever, i love her so much and she is become quite the beautiful little girl :eek:)

Will try catch up with you all again soon, take care

love Leanne and Ruby

good to hear from you hun glad your doing well :hug:
Aww nice to hear from you hun and glad everythings going well!! :cheer: :hug:
aw glad all is where are the pics????
Aww congrats it sounds like its going really well!! congrats to you leanne!
aww its wonderful to hear from u leanne! glad ur doing so well! :D :hug: :hug:

:shock: wow cant believe ruby is 9 weeks old already! over 2 months! where did that go??!! :eek:

looking forward to hearing more from u babe x x x x
good to hear from you, and nice to see ruby thriving :hug:
:wave: :wave: Glad to hear all is well with Ruby. I have seen your other thread with the piccies of her, she is lovely :hug:

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