Lines on Interent Cheapies


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2007
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Ok need advice.

Just tested on an IC and nada. After more than 10 mins or so, noticed that there is the faintest of faint lines there now. Did another test, and the same thing happened. They are so faint but def there. They don't show within the control time though.

Is there always a REALLY faint line in the test place on an IC? Is this an evap?

I know the only proper advice is to wait 48 hours and test again if no AF but am curious if there is even a possibility that this could be very early detection.

I am 12DPO.
If this is any help, Ive never had even the faintest line on ANY test!! I use cheapies pretty much every month and never even get evap lines. I test at 12DPO too as that is my luteal phase length.

I really really hope that it was just too early to be obviously positive. Good luck for testing tomorrow hun :pray: :hug:
Thanks Loola. But I am really beginning to think that I am imagining it.

I can see the line on the first one, and I thought I could see it on the second but now I don't think so.

DH is asleep but I am sure it won't pass his test.

Oh well. Will just have to wait.

Thanks for wishing me luck. :hug:
Alright DH is up and he can see it :shock:

He is literally almost blind so I am shocked.

The second one doesn't pass the test though.

Can anyone tell me if an evap appears in the test line place? Or is it on the edge?
oh sookie it sounds good :pray:
i really hope that line gets darker, this sounds something like the line i got at 7 dpo i knew it was there but it was really really faint and dh said he could see something but it looked more like a ghost line where the line should be but the next day you could see it more, there usually isnt any line at all if its a bfn im not sure about evaps i have never had one i thought thay just happened after leaving the test for a few hours when it dries in :think:
hiya sookie :wave: , ive also been getting shadow and very faint lines on hpt cheapies {not off the internet} and it always after the time limit waiting for hcg levels to go up abit first.

hopefully you'll get your bfp very soon looks promising :pray: :pray:
sookie i found this about evaps looks like they happen on the test area but are usually no colour
Evaporation lines, however, can confound results if tests are not interpreted within the clinically recommended time frame. An evaporation line develops when the urine on the test area begins to dry, leaving a faint, usually colorless line. Evaporation lines appear to show up (or not show up) as a result of the composition of the particular urine specimen - and they may appear on any test regardless of brand.
Thanks Babydust and Starlight.

It really is very very faint. Like a shadow I suppose. But it is there. I've decided it isn't on the second one though - only a tiny tiny bit.

Oh I really hope it gets darker tomorrow :pray: :pray:
Hiya, I am having a similar experience. I think I am about 10 dpo, I took a clearblue and got a hint of a line but I really had to squint to see it. This appeared in the 10 minute limit but it really was barely visible. An hour or two later I pulled the test apart and it is pretty clear now. I dont know what to think. I am posting a pic shortly when babydust gives me her number. So see what you think? Its dead blurry though unfortunately.
Hmm. It is really confusing isn't it?!

I keep looking at it. It's there but I know the i/cs are unreliable so it's so hard to know what to think. I am 12DPO, my temp is still high and my usual LP is 11 days, so it could be..... but I am scared to think that.
Hi sookie, FXed the lines are a BFP :D

When I tested at 17DPO I used an IC, a CB digi and a CB normal. Both the CBs showed up immediately and were quite dark. The IC took a minute or so and weren't as dark as the CB line. From the look of it, if I'd have tested at 12DPO the line would've been pretty faint I think.

Hope this is it for you. When are you testing next? :D

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