Linea Nigra


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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Just wondered how common this is amongst us pregnant ones. Mine is quite faint but is definitely there.

I also read somewhere, can't remember where, that if your linea nigra extends above your belly button up to your ribs you are more likely to be having a boy. I noticed a week or so ago that mine does extend upwards and I am having a boy.

Anyone else noticed this?
Mine only appeared quite recently and is only noticable if you look for it, it doesnt extend past my belly button, and apparently i'm having a girl!!

Give me a week or so and i'll let you know if it's right for me!!
I've got a very faint off centred one, which only appeared
in the last week

Mines only appearead in this tri.

It comes past my belly button, but I'm team green so I guess this is a tick in the team blue box!
I have a very feint one, up to my bra line and two scans say girl.
Mine is above and below my belly button, Ive had it most of the way through although its not been all the way up to bra til recently, and Im having a boy :cheer: xx
i dont have one either, is it just darker toned people who get them? i read that somewhere. Im pretty pale when not in the sun!
Hmm interesting, thanks for the replies :D

I guess it may be another old wife's tale, although I will be interested to see if Alex has a boy now :D
I don't have one this time. But last time I had a really dark line upo my ribs and from about 20 weeks and I had a little boy. It'll be interesting to see what we have this time!
lisa xx
i've got one top to bottom, team green but feeling blue.

millylillyrose said:
i dont have one either, is it just darker toned people who get them? i read that somewhere. Im pretty pale when not in the sun!
Thats what i thought too, i dont like it, it looks silly and pointless :rotfl:
I don't have one.

Well, I don't think so. I do, however, have a very hairy belly :shock: so who knows what is lurking underneath. :rotfl:
I've got one, it extends past my belly button. Did last time too and I had a boy :D

It fades a few months after having baby.
I had a really obvious one with my 1st pregnancy, this time nothing, Weird :doh:
millylillyrose said:
i dont have one either, is it just darker toned people who get them? i read that somewhere. Im pretty pale when not in the sun!

Im really pale too but have one so must just be random!xx
ooh, how strange- I thought i was just odd cos mine goes above my belly button!
I'm fair skinned so I'm surprised to have quite an obvious line which I had since about 15 weeks. It runs right up to my rib cage...I'm supposed to be having a girl :shock: I've also developed a generally dark belly as if I have been sunbathing with a crop top on...but I haven't bared my belly to the sun in years and the rest of me is still lilly white...odd!

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