Lil made me smile tonight


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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before i put him to bed i's just put him in his cot and i said night darling and he said byyeeee. Hes been saying this for like 3 days when i say bye to some one he shouts byeeee lol cute. Amazing things they come out with these days. cant wait for him to say i love you mum lol. x
Awwww :love: it won't be long before he's saying the lot hun, how you been keeping haven't talked to you in ages x
it sure ont lol. im ok hun thanks hows u? r u ready for christmas? havent been able to b on here much hoping ill b on lot more now tristans little older :P
love ur display pic on here its sweet :) x merry christmas xx
I'm fab lovey just finished being Santa, ready for my pit, can't believe how big Tristan is now he's a little beauty.. Glad you will be about more, happy Christmas I hope you have a lovely day x x x
i bet been a manic day today. tris had loads of presents and got bored of ripping them open after 2 presents so me and his daddy helped him unwrap the rest and by the time we got to open ours we was fed up of unwrapping haha. been a good day though. bit dissapointed with the toy guitar i had brought for him and it keeps repeating itself when its not suppose to and i didnt keep the reciept grr lol. did u enjoy ur xmas? have a good evening :D x
Have you removed the little tag to take it off demo mode Hun? We had a fantastic day and boxing day too, can't believe it's all over! Xx

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