Letting babys cry..


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Me again,

Now being a first time mum i'm pretty clueless. Ollie has several episodes of crying and as soon as he starts i pick him up straight away.. should i be letting him cry for a bit? What do you do?

Claire x
I am a believer in CC and have used it in the past, and wil no doubt use it again!

BUT at two weeks old I dont think any baby should be left to cry! So little, just wants mummy cuddles or food, or something. I did every no-no in the book up til he was 3 months old, nothing affected him, he dosent need me to carry him round all day now or anything else that I used to do!!

If babys crying - at that age - then pick them up and cuddle them I say!!
I don't let Ivy cry. Unless she is wanting food or changing and I'm getting the things ready to do it and cant help her from crying I will hold her. I always get this little gut feeling and think about how she could be scared still after the being born and how if I cried I would want cuddles to make me feel better too. You soon get to learn proper cries and grumble cries if she is doing moaning (kinda little shouts) then I will let her be for a bit and she soon settles if you talk to her or play but if she does the "uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh" cry then I know its cuddle time!! Some times she does one uhhhhh then two but if she does three in a row then I know she really is upset about something lol!

Edit- I forgot to make clear that at no time that she is crying be it fussy or proper I would just leave her or ignore the cry I will always try to distract her or cuddle her to settle her in some way. :D She is a very good girl and doesn't cry very often though.
babies cry because its one of their only ways to communicate - they're telling you something, be it 'feed me', 'change me' or simply just 'hold me'. tiny babies want to be close to us all the time; they've spent 9 months in the womb and to suddenly be out and alone in the world must be pretty scary.

i can't and won't use cc on any baby or child at any age. there are psychological studies on long term mental health that back up my reasoning for this. my personal parenting techniques might stray too far from government guidelines and the GF generation for a lot of people (i co-sleep and baby wear for a start and i will never, ever leave him to cry on his own), but i do this because it feels natural to have my baby close to me at all times. and he's a wonderfully happy and confident little boy.

you'll find your own way with ollie hon, but whilst he's so tiny, keep him close :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
We have just started let her cry for a bit but only when its a mardy 'I just want to moan' cry :lol: .

If she is hungry she gets boob and if she has a dirty nappy it gets changed but if I cant pick her up instantly or she wants me to talk to her and Im busy she has to wait, plus I find she moans for the sake of it and if she is left comes out of the cry easily by herself.

I would also say your LO is too little yet and his crys will be for a reason, give him a few more weeks of TLC and you will start to hear the different moans and crys and work out when he can be left and not if thats what you wanted to do.

I also had to be ready to let her cry as it upset/hurt my boobs too much to listen to it :lol:
I don'tleave my babies to cry - it goes against my parenting style lol, but even if I did 2 weeks is incredibly young. Your baby has spent all their life being constantly touched, rocked, never feeling hungry, cold, etc. They just need reassurace. Its 9 months in, 9 months out - to help them get through that transitional stage
I never let my LO cry at that age either, I think dont worry for the first 3 months or so about that stuff, everyone told me I should keep putting Ava down and that I should not cuddle her for her sleeps etc, I ignored the advice and she slept in my arms alot, co-slept and always picked her up if she cried. She is now becoming more indepedent naturally and it has not took alot of effort to get her sleeping in her own cot both night and daytime despite everyone telling me she would never go down by herself if I kept 'spoiling' her. I did have to let her cry a bit (at nearly 5 mnths old) to acheive this but it was not much and I have not left her on her own crying for more than a minute (see my previous thread)
i dont think at 2 weeks CC and suchlike has any benefits at all. later on u need to just leave them to it if its a tantrum cry, which i am only just being able to do really i found it impossible at first and even now sometimes i find it difficult. u can tell if its a distressed cry or a temper cry by how it sounds (when they are older) but i think at 2 weeks they are too young to manipulate, so leaving them crying wont teach them anything!
Thanks ladies.. i thought Ollie was a bit too young for letting him cry but a freind of mine mentioned it. He's agood little boy really and most of his crying is for food! Oh and what does CC stand for?

Claire x
controlled crying otherwise known as crying it out
Aww hun, congratulations on your little one's arrival! He is still really tiny and in my opinion it is absolutely impossible to spoil a newborn. The concept just does not exist - they only cry cos they need something be it food, sleep, a wash or just Mummy love! :lol:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Your LO is so small of course pick him up and cuddle him if he cries. He doesn't understand anything and if he cries there is a reason for it. He is not playing you up or seeking attention. Those things simply don't exist in a babys world. They just need to be comforted and held by Mummy. Your LO spent 9 months inside you and the outside world is a big noisy place. He wants to be near you as it is comforting.

Controlled crying is not something to do before a LO is well past 6 months old as they simply don't have the capability to understand it. I don't leave Galen to cry even now. As he has gotten older I've learnt his upset cry to his angry cry and so on and now know which ones need my attention then and there and which ones I can wait a minute or two and give him a chance to settle. But I'd never leave him to cry for longer than a few minutes and certainly did not do this until he was over 4 months old. Till then, if he cried, I went to him.
I wouldn't leave a newborn to cry. At 3 months I started leaving Connie to have her whinge when she is tired, every nght we go through the same routine of her moaning in her cot for 15 minutes but it's not proper crying just shouting with her eyes shut :lol: . You'll soon be able to tell what LO needs throguh their moods and different cries.
We tried CC with Isaac but it wasn't for us. After about 3 minutes we couldn't stand to hear him cry. He was older than weeks though but even still CC at any age isn't for us.
I think at such a young age, LOs find it really hard to be away from mummy/ differentiate where you end and they begin!! There is so much crying, you just get used to it! Just need cuddles and milk!

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