Less Kicking


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2007
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I have posted on this subject before, but just wondered if anyone else has experienced this?

My baby has been kicking since about 16 weeks, always very definate, stong kicks that i can see and feel from the outside.

For the last week or so she seems to have stopped kicking altogether. She is still moving around, i can feel what i imagine to be "rolling" and i'm sure i feel hiccups and general wriggles, but there has been no kicking :?

I'm not overly concerned, as like i say i can feel movements, i just miss those definate kicks that OH can see and feel too.

Has this happened to anyone else? Should i be concerned do you think?
Maybe your placenta is on the front wall of your uterus and it is muffling the pronounced kicks? You can see if it is on your scan notes, mine is and it says ANT for anterior, if it says POS it's at the back.
If you can still feel LO rolling about then I wouldn't worry, however if it's still niggling with you, give your MW a call and she should be able to put your mind at rest. :hug:
Hi again

Well i called my midwife on friday and she asked me to come to hospital. They did a doppler test and the heartbeat was good and strong at 150 bmp. Then they did a scan, and although baby is the right size etc, they could not detect any movement, so i had to see a consultant to discuss. Unfortunately he was in surgery so i had to wait for 2 hours before i got to talk to him :(

Basically he said there is little they can do, and as her heart is beating and she is growing, we just have to "wait and see". He told me to count the movements for an hour after breakfast, lunch and dinner, and i should be getting around 15 - 20 movements. Well so far, the most i've had is 3!!

They are going to give me another scan at 28 weeks (4 weeks time), and they will listen with the doppler at my next appointment on 17th March, but other than that i have to be patient and hope she starts kicking again.

Trying not to worry too much, as the heartbeat is striong, but its hard not to when you're alone with your thoughts!

Will keep you posted!
Hi Rosie

I just wanted to let you know my sisters story in case it gives you any reassurance at all.

My sisters first baby was a very active one in the womb all through her pregnancy so when she became pregnant for the second time with my nephew and he hardly moved at all and someones there would be nothing for days (even in the very late stages ) she was really really worried. He never did start to move actively again so she was constantly in and out off hospital having traces done and regular checks. His heartbeat was always fine and he was growing. Anyway to cut a ling story short ... he was born perfectly healthy and the only difference being that while my niece (her first born) is a very active child, needs lots of attention and never sleeps... My nephew was/is a contented little soul that would just sit quite happily entertaining himself for hours and sleeps through the night and just seems a very contented little boy all of the time.

My sister now always just says that in her opinion it was his personality coming out in the womb and that some babies are active and others arn't!

i trully hope everything is fine with your little bubba and i just wanted to share in case it helps at all!

I'm sure everything is fine Rosie, maybe bubs was having a lazy day when they scanned you and like others have said maybe you cant feel as much because bubs is kicking where you can't feel it.
The heartbeat is strong and there so i wouldn't be worrying to much chicken.

" come on bubs start kicking mummy all night, im sure she will be happy to be kept awake".
Thanks LMP :hug: good to hear i'm not the only one.

All my family have been trying to tell me the same, that she is probably a quiet, relaxed baby (or just a bit lazy like her mum!!)

I'll probably be laughing about it all once she is born and how neurotic i have been.


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