Leo Robert Anthony - 25th Sept 08 - 7lb 9oz


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May 28, 2008
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I finally have time to post my birth story, to be honest its not that long anyway.
I woke up at 4am for the toilet on thursday morning, when I got back into bed I had a contraction, really painful. I laid there and waited for another and 5mins later I had another one. I got up again and went to the bathroom and had another in there. I knew this was it so I thought it was time to wake Craig (my OH)
We rang the labour ward and they said to take some paracetamol and have a bath, I took the tablets but didnt have the bath as they were coming every four mins and really painful, we ended up ringing them back up at about 5am and we were told to go in.
We got into a delivery room at 5.30am and I was examined, the midwife told me I was 5cm dilated so I would be staying. The contractions were getting worse and I had to be monitored the whole way through due to the O.C. I was having gas and air now each time I had a contraction. The next thing I knew the midwife asked if she could break my waters. I agreed.
So at about 8 they broke my waters, she told me baby had pooed inside so I was still being monitored anyway, but baby doctor had to come in to check things over etc. I was 8cm dilated after she broke my waters and after that the pain was soo bad, at one point there was about 5 doctors in the room all talking to me and asking if I was ok!! I was in agony, I couldn't answer their questions!!! But they had to come in and check things over as Leo's heartrate was throught the roof and it was quite worrying.

The next thing I knew I was pushing and screaming, and then at 9.43am Leo entered the world. It was amazing having him delivered straight on to me, he was adorable, and it was a relief to here him crying.

He fed really well from the start, and he was pink and healthy and he is absolutley gorgeous, I am so in love with him.

I will try to post some pics on here shortly.

Thank you to everyone for all their kind words and advice during my pregnancy, it has been a rollercoaster ride, but he is finally here safe and sound.
congratulations :cheer: , Just under 5 hours well done thats fab. Can't wait to see pics.
sorry read that wrong over 5 hours, still well done you :cheer: :cheer: :hug:
Congratulations and welcome to the world little Leo :cheer:

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