Leg pain can anyone help?


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2008
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For the past week Ive been getting these really bad shooting pains at the top of my right thigh, feels like I have pulled a muscle or something but when I walk or get up or anything its really painful but it is only in one of them. Anyone know what this could be?
Inner or outer thigh? I'm not sure hun- could just be your muscles, is it kind of in your hip? Could it be how you're sitting? Or what shoes you're wearing etc? If you're worried then I'd give your midwife a call. There are all sorts of positions that I can't sit in anymore otherwise it give me painful hips or knees etc. In fact there's only one chair in the house that I can sit in for any sort of time without regretting it because I'm very short anyway and I find the bump either gets in the way or my hips are the wrong angle for my knees etc. Sciatica in your back can radiate down your leg- do you think it could be this? I think it depends on what sort of pain it is if you know what I mean?

The only other thing I'd be concerned about would be thrombosis but (tell me anyone if I'm wrong) I think that tends to be an issue further down your leg and I think there's a bump or tended bit that goes with it- worth Googling if you're worried about it though.

Hope it gets better soon
I get exactly the same problem, and have put it down to sciatic pain.........which apparently is very common!

Sometimes my leg almost goes from under me the pain can be really sharp, almost like an electric shock - but it soon disappears again!
Yeah thats excatly what its like. Ill mention it to my MW next time I go but I know she probably cant do anything Ill just have to try and rest it. Im having to get changed sitting down and stuff coz I cant put all my weight on that leg otherwise it feels like its gonna go. Looks like Ill just have to put up with it for the next 8 weeks lol
Is it like a pinching pain in your bum cheek? I've been getting that - having to have weekly physio appointments.
Yeah it is and in the higher part of my thigh just below my bum. Ill have to speak to the midwife then. Did they say what it was when they referred you for physio? Is the physio helping at all? Its getting quite unbearable now :(

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