Leckershell's Ryan :D ***Pics in Photo section*** UPDATE!!!

Slinky Sarah

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
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i know i already posted a bit in the here i am thread but i think Ryan deserves his own thread!!!

I had a text from michelle earlier today saying that Ryan is now starting to try and stand unsupported, started saying dada (not sure if he knows what it means...) and started clapping his hands!

Well i thought that was fantastic news to celebrate but i then got another text not so long ago....hes now started cruising the furniture!!

Shell wont be on for a couple of weeks so i will update this thread when i hear any progress....its just happening all so quick for the little man!!!

Well i had a text from michelle again...Hes doing well with his cruising....still not got the hang of standing unaided just yet bless him :)
He has also got another tooth! :cheer: Which now makes 3!
Wow well done Ryan! :clap: That is amazing! :cheer: :dance:

He will be walking before Brody at this rate! :wall: :rotfl:
awww its ace when they start finding their feet :D

Yep..........now I'm broody again :talkhand:
Wow....he is actually the most advanced baby ever!

Well done Ryan!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
wow, what a clever boy! will go hav a look.
Hi all, I've just popped online quickly at the library while I'm in town to check my emails and thought hey might as well pop on here to say hello :) I don't have time to check out all the posts I've missed (god knows how many) since Friday, but still... here we are saying hi :wave:

Sarah you're such a star uploading all the Ryan gossip and pictures so thanks loads for that. Who knows what else little Mann is going to get upto in the next couple of weeks :shock:

I think having moved to a house with carpet instead of wooden floor has really helped with his crawling and stuff but still I'm amazed he can do that stuff already - I see other "crusing" pictures on here and the babies look so much older it's sort of weird when I see Ryan doing it as he's so babyfaced and looks so small! I should be proud though - now we have a garden I guess I should get him some walker shoes?! :shock: and have him walking around the garden holding on to me?! Didn't think I'd be thinking of these things at 6 and a half months, well 7 months on the 24th next Monday.

He's been so vocal too.. and he's discovered how to scream, like yell but in a happy sort of way? The faces he pulls are so random.. lol. We're doing cool on the weaning, he's trying out finger foods and of cheese, dairylea, rice cakes, chocolate and ham, he prefers ham. I've got a couple of photo's for the messy eaters thread too which I can't upload but I'll get on whenever.

House is all cool though I blocked the sink last night and loads of water came pouring out the cupboard below :shhh: :doh: but that's all sorted. Lesson - don't let the mashed potato go down the plug hole :wall:

Ryan's just fallen asleep in his pushchair after a few minutes whining, and some disapproving looks from some of the people in the library reading their boring fat reference books. :sleep:

Guess I'll have a quick browse of off-topic before heading out. It's our final meal at college tonight and we're having italian. Erm, not a lot else really going on except Ryan stuff.. LOL :rotfl:

Laters all. Not sure when I'll next be on but if I can pop on I'll say hi. Hope you are all well xx
No problem hun :D Happy to do it....He will be walking before you get back on properly :wink:
Hiya Michelle! :wave: Thought you were back already! :lol:
Glad everythign is going well! Ryan is doing so well! What a clever little boy! :cheer:
Thanks for the update and thanks Sarah for posting the updates and pics too! :D

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