Leaking milk - 32 weeks


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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Just wondered if I could start to store milk that I am producing this early?

I'm constantly leaking and it all seems a bit of waste to me...

I have sterile syringes that I could store the milk in and freeze until baby is here but I guess the question I'm trying to ask is.. is the milk I'm producing this early any good!?

(Just to add, in not purposely expressing anything.. I wake up with a wet top and if I'm in the bath my boobs go into overdrive and the milk just drops from them!)

Erm I dont see why not...why not call your mw and ask. I'd think it was ok.
The colostrum your leaking is really good for the baby theres no harm in collecting it for use later on its not advised to pump though as this can cause premature labour.

I have the same issue i wake up every day with my top soaked but refuse to wear a bra to bed to prevent it so my own fault i guess.
Thanks for your replies..

I refuse to wear a bra too.. far too hot and uncomfortable for that! I think I might start a little collection then.. you can never have too much I guess!
Definatly never have too much.
I honestly cant wait to take my bra off by evening so no chance i will ever sleep in one.
Yep, your colostrum never runs out. It just keeps producing until your oestrogen kicks in after baby's here, which then develops it into full milk. It's absolutely chock full of good stuff, but rather than keep it for your LO, I would freeze it and donate it to your local NICU. There will be plenty there for your LO when they arrive but NICUs need donations as of course their mamas can't feed their babies when they've got tubes everywhere, but it does the babies so much good.


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