Laying baby on side


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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Dexter doesn't settle well laying on his back a lot of the time, partly due to wind, and prefers to sleep on us. In the hospital the first night the midwives placed him on his side in the cot. Does anyone do this and is it safe?
They recommend you lay them on their back coz they can roll if on their side. But i found Angel settled better when she was younger on her side. So i made sure the way she laid, if she did roll, it could only be to her back. I just place the bottom arm so it sticks out in front of her.
Now she rolls onto her side herself.
Finlay slept on his side for a while and he was fine. I was had to prop him so he wouldn't fall forward

He now sleeps on his tummy and has done from a few weeks old. He settles himself too once he is put in bed on his front
Bee said:
Finlay slept on his side for a while and he was fine. I was had to prop him so he wouldn't fall forward

He now sleeps on his tummy and has done from a few weeks old. He settles himself too once he is put in bed on his front

Dexter sounds just like Finlay, he loves being on his tummy and I know he would sleep best like this but I'm too scared to do it when I'm not watching him and just feel safer following the guidelines. However, it obviously works for you Bee and I know not so many years ago it was recommended that babies sleep on their tummies. Out of interest does anyone else do this?
mandspice said:
Bee said:
Finlay slept on his side for a while and he was fine. I was had to prop him so he wouldn't fall forward

He now sleeps on his tummy and has done from a few weeks old. He settles himself too once he is put in bed on his front

Dexter sounds just like Finlay, he loves being on his tummy and I know he would sleep best like this but I'm too scared to do it when I'm not watching him and just feel safer following the guidelines. However, it obviously works for you Bee and I know not so many years ago it was recommended that babies sleep on their tummies. Out of interest does anyone else do this?

I was worried too at first but he is fine. I feel that if he is sick (which he is a bit) its better as he can't choke on it like he might if he was on his back (Finlay didn't sleep with his head turned when he was on his back)

Try it during the day when u r around and see how he gets on :D

Otherwise prop him up with something behind his back for him sleeping on his side till he's a bit older and can get his balance
Kaira would only sleep if she was on her side when she was younger as well.
My oldest daughter slept on her tummy from just a few weeks old as she was quite sicky and I was scared about her choking. She was able to hold her head up from a few days old so I felt that she was strong enough not to get into any trouble. She was fully breastfed and I didn't smoke or drink and always slept next to her cot so she wasn't a high risk for cot death anyway.

I'd say get them to sleep any way you can or you'll be exhausted! First time I did it, it was the longest sleep I'd had in ages!

FWIW, my sister's doctor also recommended the side sleeping for my nephew so don't think it's uncommon advice.
because aidens head is quite flat at the back we have been recommended to put him to sleep on his side.. he actually prefers it and settles a lot quicker. we just make sure he isn't able to roll onto his front (though if he did, he can hold his head up well.)
Galen used to like to sleep on his side when smaller. I think its more comforting as they can curl up a bit and its also more like a position they would have in the womb. I used to only put him to sleep like that in the day though, as I was around to keep an eye on him. At night I worked at getting him to settle on his back.

I know they used to advise babies sleep on their fronts and nowof course advise they sleep on their backs. TBH I think the stats on that speak for themselves now so would not have put Galen on his front because of my concerns about that position. But everyone is different. What works for one doesn't for someone else.

FWIW most newborn and small babies seem to prefer being cuddled up on someone over sleeping in their basket or cot. We mananged to get Galen to settle in his basket by 4 weeks and go to sleep on his own by 6 weeks. Just took some effort on our part to get to that. Not every baby will go for it.
When I was a baby it was recommended to put babies on their side. Mum said she tucked the blankets securely in the sides of the mattress so that I was pinned in place.
Corey sleeps on his side, put him down on his back, and he curls up on his side, with his blankie pooh bear thing cuddled up to his face!
My hv said once they can lift there head, roll over etc they are generally safe on their stomach. my sons 8 months thought and i still turn him over if hes asleep on his stomach. just incase. they do say you shouldnt let them until they are 1 isnt it? God forbid if something terrible happened id never ever forgive myself if i knew he's been asleep on his tummy.
benjamin sleeps better on his side aswell, i have him on his side in the day while his moses basket is downstairs. At night if he isn't settling i put him on his side until he's fast asleep and then we put him on his back, just because i wouldn't be able to sleep if we didn't.
Isaac would always sleep on his side when we co-slept as he'd/I'd usually fall asleep in our side positions. Ophelia is the same. I think whatever you're comfortable with, always ask your HV for safety advice if you're unsure. Isaac would never sleep alone, but Ophelia sleeps fine alone, so I don't believe how they sleep can effect where they sleep, I don't think its necessarily what you do as a parent either, tiny babies will do what they want really :lol:

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