But isnt Txt speak just classed as using abbreviations for certain words, if we cant use that and have to type out every word perfectly then surely we cant use the abbriviations posted in the technical thread?? like TTC, PG, B'ding etc etc etc, because this would also be classed as Txt talk right?
TBH (can i use that?) i dont think many people are going to stop using txt talk if they use it all the time online. It would be very hard for me to start using it because im not used to it, so for people that are used to it, im guessing its going to be quite an effort and take a long time to post something if they have to completely alter the way they type. I dont see whats wrong with 'u' or 'wot' or 'cuz' if thats how people want to speak then shouldnt it be up to them what grammar they want to use?
Ok fair enough if no one can understand it then it is annoying, but for example bubbleB's post on the former page was primarily in txt talk and i could understand it perfectly..
Just a thought
Cas x