Late turning babies


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Did anyone's baby turn from head-down to breech after around 37 weeks? I'm so happy to find out that my baby is head-down, but (s)he moves so much that I'm still a little paranoid they will change their mind and go breech!

Also, if this happened, was it obvious that it was happening? Was it painful?
From my antenatal I think it is very unlikely to turn. Although there is alot of movement, there is not much space so I wouldn't worry about it.
Thanks! I don't think I really have to worry, but you know... paranoia and things. Antenatal classes here also say they don't have room to turn, but then they say there is a good chance that even if you are breech at 36 weeks you might find your baby in the right position when it's time. So why one way and not the other? Hmm.... Ha.
If I remember correctly, it's because their heads are so much heavier than the rest of them.

Don't worry :hug:
That makes a lot of sense! Thanks! I'm not *really* worried hehe it's just one of those things on the list to think about. I need to shorten that list! :p
Isaac was head down right up until the final stage of labour when he turned to the side :roll: :lol:
My friend's DD turned just as labour started :)
Breech at any point doesn't mean LO won't be head down for birth, my LO's breech at the minute but its not something I'll think too much about, it'll be an issue if she's still breech when labour begins as obviously things aren't as straight forward, but that's by no means a bad thing :D
Very best wishes, hope LO turns soon for you so you don't worry too much :hug:

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