late af...


New Member
Feb 22, 2010
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Af is now 1 week late i have taken 3 tests, 1 on friday...1 yesterday and 1 today- all bfn.Has anyone got bfn when they have been pregnant?how long after af did you get your bfp?
You could just be late due to stress hun :) have you been stressed atal this month ? x
Cant really say Ive been stressed no, i know in previous months ive been pretty stressed but the last couple of months things have been going pretty well for me.Never had late cycles before thats why im so baffled.With my first pregnancy i got my bfp soon after af was due so ive been assumingi would have got bfp by now if i was pregnant.I made a doctors appointment for Thirsday to see whats going on.
Ok i dont know if i am right but i think you may have conceived later in the month and then possibly you could still be in the 2ww , Im not sure though i dont really know much as i am TTC myself and am going to test today as i missed AF yesterday x
I am mega late for AF at the moment, went to doctor last week and had blood test but that was also negative (along with all of the hopeful hpts I did) so I havent managed it this time but she did say that the blood test is ultra sensitive and that for some people even the sensitive hpts can take as long as 3 weeks to show because each pregnancy is different. So fingers crossed for you that you get that positive.
Sounds promising, think it might still be a bit earlier to test. Fingers crossed you get your bfp at the docs! xxx

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