Last Week


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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This week is my last week of work

Finished one lot of swimming lessons yesterday and got LOADS of presents from the kids! 2 teddies, a cute baby grow, bibs and scratch mits and a stunning baby book.

I finish the rest of the swimming lessons this week too, Wed, Thur then Friday and its my last day of school on Friday. 2 weeks easter hols then mat leave begins on the 21st April.

I'm so ready for it now - everything is hard and we are moving rooms at school just now too which is a pain in the arse and we have no computers either :(
Awww-it will be lovely for you to have a rest from now on.:cheer:
How sweet of them to buy you pressies. :D

I'm countimg down the weeks until I finish...1 more week of easter hol left then 4 more weeks teaching...I can't wait!! :cheer:
Yeah can't wait to finish - really need it now

Our hols don't start till next week and I only have 2 weeks till I am due after them so I've finished at a decent time. But I will be sad to go even though it is hard to teach at this stage :(
I wish I could've finsihed before a school hol..the nearest one to my due date was spring bank but I would've been over 38 weeks at that point so daren't risk it!!! :shock:

I'm finishing on bank holiday weekend now but it's not as good as a half term finish cos i'll miss on on the holiday pay. :( Oh well!! i'm thinking I'll be so glad of the rest by then I won't be bothered!! :D
sarah2807 said:
I wish I could've finsihed before a school hol..the nearest one to my due date was spring bank but I would've been over 38 weeks at that point so daren't risk it!!! :shock:

I'm finishing on bank holiday weekend now but it's not as good as a half term finish cos i'll miss on on the holiday pay. :( Oh well!! i'm thinking I'll be so glad of the rest by then I won't be bothered!! :D

Yeah u will be counting the days by then believe me!
You have doen so well getting to 35 weeks ands till working
glad you havn't got to long to go
ive got less then 4 weeks to go and working with kids myself i know how exhausting it can be

enjoy your impending rest

sarah :wave:
Not long now... Yey! :dance:

So, we can expect to see you here more often then :rotfl:
Yay for finishing this week Bee! I don't think I appreciated how much I needed it until this week either, I can't imagine holding down 2 jobs as well like you've been.

Also got my holiday pay in the salary this month and it is SO tempting to spend it...
I don't know how I have done it tbh - sheer determination or stupidity

I hope I get my holiday pay in my next pay - I've got 17 days to get!

Yeah should be on here more ;) Going away for a weekend with my mum and dad and nephew too
Hi Bee! :wave:

Was thinking while lying awake AGAIN last night that I hadn't seen you on here for aaaages and was going to post a thread today asking what you were up to...

You have done SO well to still be working at this stage, I can't believe it, especially with the extra swimming too.

Hope you've got a celebration finished for when you finally leave work! :hug:
Hiya Rebecca ;)

I've been so busy at school and they have blocked my access to this site so I can't even check at lunch!

I had a profile to do for friday there and we are moving rooms just now. Also got the general teaching stuff, SQA deadlines AND the things I have to leave for when I am on Mat leave so not had much time :(

We are having a lunch thingy on Thursday and after I finish my swimming lessons on friday night I will be celebrating by NOT going to bed at 9pm as I don't have any swimming lessons on Sat! :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Not long to go! You've done really well to last so long! You deserve a good rest when your mat leave starts :hug:

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