Last midwife appointment before due date!


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
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Had my last appointment today before my due date...eeee getting excited now!

Baby is now 3/5ths engaged. I was hoping she would be a little further down, but Ive heard the baby sometimes doesnt fully engage until labour so Im not going to worry myself over it.

Im also quite pleased as Ive heard some midwives can make you wait before giving you a sweep, and usually my appointment would have been at 39+6 weeks but my midwife said I can have my appointment on the thursday so Ill be 40+1 so I can have my sweep then :) and then the week after if she's still refusing to budge lol.

We're both hoping she comes before then though :) So I guess now the waiting game begins!
Woot woot!! Let's hope baba makes an apperence soon then ey! X my
kids were never more than 3/5ths engaged before birth then they came
down in labour
woop melio bet your soo excited i cant wait to be in your position xx
Eeeee very excited now. Just want to meet her now. And adele, you'll be in my position before you know it!

Evie - Lets hope my LO is like yours :)
Yup :D apart from the wayyyyyyy over my due date bit lol I was 3/5ths from 36 weeks till 44 haha! But zander was 3/5ths at 36 weeks too and only 3 days late :)
44 :shock:

Couldn't be dealing with that!I think just going over a teenie bit is going to drive me crazy lol.
:yay: glad everything's ok and heading in the right direction for you :)
Glad babe is engaged won't be long now x
the waiting game is the boring bit. but labour happeneds so suddenly you have to be half prepared and half trying to make the most of relaxing, sleeping before new baby takes up your time! it's so exciting when you get some signs though :D hope things move fast for you!! :dust: xxx

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