Last day at work tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2007
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Don't know how to feel really. Have already had one child in my class wrapped round my leg sobbing her heart out asking me not to go (they're 6 and 7). Another asked, big sad face "why do you have to have a baby?".

My latest pregnancy related symptom appears to be blushing. I thought I lost that after puberty. ANYTHING remotely emotional or embarassing sends me bright red... don't know what I'll do tomorrow between that and tears!

I'll be sooo glad of the rest but will miss my wee kiddies. Can rest assured they'll probably have forgotten about me within a week! Everyone at work and home thinks I'm mad for not being more excited about it!
just wait till you take the baby back to see them though hun, i think i was more exited than them when i took Hannah in to see my class, they were all over her and i got a few hugs too lol
Enjoy your last day! Like Bloom says you've done really well to get to the stage you have. As a teacher, I know how hard it is to leave the kids (and I have grotty adolescent ones!) so I sympathise.

Enjoy your last day and try not to cry! :hug:
yipppeee some lazy days ahead for you :dance: :D 8)
i cant wait for my turn

i know how you feel though ill miss my little munckins when i leave.
All the children have been so interested and sweet about my pregnancy.
and have made me promise to bring Collier in the meet them.

im working till 37 weeks too
5 weeks on friday to go :dance:

enjoy your time off before your baby arrives :hug: :cheer:
sarah :wave:
Yay!!! You can have a good rest now chick!!

I teach too so I know how attached you get to the kiddies but like you said at 6 and 7 they forget all about you within a week!! :(

I can't wait until I start my M leave but i know when it's my last day I'll be :cry:
im sure when you're lying in bed watching GMTV you wont miss them that much :lol: and you havent given yourself a long enough maternity leave to get REALLY bored.... :D
What a day!! Got to work at 8.20 and walking through the school at 8.25 the power goes off. By 9am it's still not on, no heating either so we have to turn the kids away. Only got to say goodbye to about 4 or 5 of them!

THOROUGHLY embarassed by my lovely colleagues - presents include some lovely pampering stuff (dressing gown, slippers, bath stuff), hugely embarassing hospital bag stuff - stretchmark cream, breast pads, haemorroid cream, you name it :rotfl:

Also a wee "6 months later" kit... a thong, body paint and a packet of condoms... LOL! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Needless to say when I had to say bye to my boss I was bubbling like a baby... will miss everyone. Wish everyone could have workmates like mine!

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