Last day at work!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2008
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I just had to make a post coz im so excited its my last day at work!! It could not have come sooner im so tired! Im a bit miserable at the moment coz of the sciatica in my leg but now I can just rest at home with my feet up! Got my 33 week MW appointment on monday so will see if baby is still breech i have been having alot of pressure lower down so fingers crossed! Hope everyone is okay! :cheer:
yay!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I'm officially on mat leave as of monday.... (been off through xmas though).

This past week has gone soooooooooo fast with OH being at home... I'm a bit scared actually when he's back at work as I wonder what I'm going to do with myself before baby is born :oops: :oops: :oops:
Happy Last Day at Work :cheer: :cheer:

Fingers crossed baby has turned.......... :hug:
Yay! now you can have a bit of a rest & get ready for the baby. I was so relieved when I finished work, it just gets so tiring towards the end. Enjoy! :dance: :dance:
Yay, happy last day (even though it's gone now!) :cheer: I haven't looked back since my last day, it's been so lovely.

lisaspoon said:
This past week has gone soooooooooo fast with OH being at home... I'm a bit scared actually when he's back at work as I wonder what I'm going to do with myself before baby is born :oops: :oops: :oops:

If there are things you would like to do before baby is born I expect you will wonder how you ever managed to fit work in! :wink: Everything becomes more of an effort towards the end so even food shopping took me a while to build up to and wind down from (never mind actually doing). I made lots of plans to see people and do certain things when my maternity leave started and the weeks just whizzed by - I haven't felt bored once (I've felt fed up in the past week or two because of being so heavily pregnant and no sign of baby but that's another matter altogether! :roll: )

Washing and folding baby clothes I could easily lose days to! (Shame it doesn't work for the rest of the washing and specifically my ironing pile which is ever increasing as I keep avoiding it! :oops: )

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