Landlord... AGAIN


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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My oven hasn't been working properly for ages now. A couple of nights ago I put it on at 6pm and at 7pm could still put my hand in and touch the trays without getting burnt :shock:

My landlord is a lazy bugger- it took him 5 months to replace my bathroom floor and toilet after we had a flood due to his shoddy plumbing. Today the oven isn't heating up at all. :wall:

Yeaterday emailed him and let him know (he doesn't pick up his mobile :twisted: ) and he sent someone round to have a look. I knew we needed a new oven- our one is about 15 years old; but he said he probably just needed to replace 'the element'. Anyway, the bloke who came round said the element and thermostat needed replacing and it would be more economical to replace the whole oven and get a new one with guarantee etc.

He phoned my landlord and told him yesterday morning and I haven't heard from him since. I cook most things on the hob but I still need the oven! I emailed him asking him if he could get it done ASAP- preferably this week or over the weekend. He hasn't emailed back. I phoned him at work just now and he said that he didn't have the money for it until I pay next months rent. I suggested that I go out and buy a new oven and then subsidise the rent but he said 'No'. I don't understand why!? Plus he has a £500 deposit from me from when I moved in- surely he could use that?!

So basically, I have to wait until the beginning of september for a new oven :(

Does anyone know if I have a legal leg to stand on if I go out and buy one anyway!? I can't do without it for 2 weeks :talkhand:
if i were you hun i would get some legal advice, im sure we have had people in similar situations to yourself (i work in a solicitors) and they have helped them!

hope you get it sorted :hug:
:think: i'm sure that will take just as long as waiting for a new oven! I haven't got the time to go into the CAB this week- and I have a lurgey which is horrible. :(

I just want to be able to cook pizza again!
Ive text Emma for you as she is Letting Agent.
just waiting for her reply
direct reply from Em:

He needs to replace it, she should put it in writing stating that she needs to have a replacement ASAP and that if not replaced in 7 days she will buy it herself and take the cost of oven and prof fitting out of next rent. she cant not have a means to cook because he says he cant afford it this month. he should put it on a CC or something.

HTH hun & no problem xx :hug:
jennywren said:
direct reply from Em:

He needs to replace it, she should put it in writing stating that she needs to have a replacement ASAP and that if not replaced in 7 days she will buy it herself and take the cost of oven and prof fitting out of next rent. she cant not have a means to cook because he says he cant afford it this month. he should put it on a CC or something.

HTH hun & no problem xx :hug:

thats great- do you reckon an email counts as writing? will write a proper letter too and post in tomorrow JIC :think:
She said Email & post recorded Delivery tomorrow stating a date in the letter that he must have it supplied and fitted by 28th Aug 2008

let me know how you get on

Grrrrr landlords!! the house we used to rent the landlord was like yours. The heating broke down in the middle of winter and he suggested we turn on the electric cooker for heat because he didn't want to pay emgerency call out rates for a plumber! :shock: Then when the plumber did come and fix it he wanted him to leave the part he'd replaced because he didn't believe he'd done the work!

Hope you get it sorted soon :hug:

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