lactose/daiiry intolerence?


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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Trying to get as much help as possible so posting this here too...
We've been having problems with Albert being in incredible discomfort from the start. It was part of the reason I ended up stopping bf-ing. Here's how he's been from the start:

Being sick, up to an hour or more after a feed, and lots of it.
Distressed and agitated during and for long periods after feeding (minimum 20 minutes, up to an hour and a half) with lots of red faced crying and arching back
Waking up with pained cries
Very windy
Bringing his knees up a lot during all this
Straining when not filling his nappy (think this might be normal, but just thought I'd pop it in, just in case)

His bowel movements we're kind of 'ignoring' as being ff could be hiding anything there.

He also has eczema (According to the NHS website, eczema in babies usually develops around 2 months, he's had it from 1 week, and though there's a family history I know that earlier eczema is linked with intolerance. My eczema is partly kept at bay by having quite a reduced dairy intake). We also have dairy intolerance and other food allergies in my family - both my brothers had dairy intolerance as babies, my niece had it as a baby too, and though I was never diagnosed with dairy intolerance as a baby I showed all the signs of it and one of my brothers and I have developed food allergies as adults.

We're currently on infant gaviscon but it hasn't helped at all.

So I was basically wondering what other people's experiences are - does this sound like intolerance to you? I know 40-50% of babies with colic and/or reflux are eventually found to have an intolerance and a change in diet solves the issues. When was your LO diagnosed? Any help and advice would be so gratefully received. He's in such distress that he's usually only down for 20 to 30 mins before waking up crying again

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