Labour Dust


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2007
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i think i am in need of sum :D im going to cry if he dnt pop soon am hoping labour dust will work :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
LOL i did cry for 2 hours last night, DH was like WTF? :shock: :roll: He didnt have a clue what to do......

I'll send you some, can you send me some?? :wall: :wall:

I am so so fed up with all this. :cry:
awwwwwwwwwww, Here is lots of labour dust for you honey and anyone else reaching the end of the line. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Labour Dust

for me and kelly and everyone else theres plenty :D

lets hope it does something xxxx
If we did no onewould know as there would be no text buddies :lol:

I'm not popping till my due date - I've decided. But I'm popping on the 12th - I don't care what this baby thinks, it's happening - end of :shakehead:
very true but then... even if text buddys werent poppin no1 wud be around to read the post anyways so y not lets do it :rotfl: :rotfl:
LOL - OK Tegala - what date are we booking then? I don't want to pop before the weekend as we have family down for DD's birthday and I want to be able to play with her without a newborn strapped to a tit (and when it's not strapped to my husband it will be strapped to one of my boobies :lol: )

Babylicious said:
Im popping on 7th march according to sean and his family :roll:

I love the fact that everyone has opinions on when you'll pop etc :roll: My MIL already rings every 2 days to see if there is any news :shock: I love her, but I may have to shoot her!
Can I have some please? I have absolutely NO signs that anything is going to happen any time soon and don't see a MW again til 4 days before my EDD..... :evil:
well i think 2nd of march is a great day for popping its after the weekend well nearly lool and means we all get a specail mothers day prezzie aswell :D wat do u all think :think:

here some labour dust for u too debbie.. but try hold off till the 2nd u can join us all on our multipul forum popping day (did that make sense it did in my head lol)
:hug: Debbie I know how you feel
After my 38 week check I won't see my MW again until I'm 41 weeks
(although she said she will come and do a sweep around term if I really want as I'm down for a homebirth but still it's not the same really)
can i have some labour dust pweeese? my bro's little-un sniffed it all

I will try for March 2nd then - we're going to a play farm thing were you squeeze through padded things (can't really describe it to be honest) so I might just squeeze this baby out no problem at all. Might get home and realise it popped out and I've left it there :shock: :lol:

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