Labour Dust

Charlotte & Emily

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2006
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can you send me some labour dust please
im having a membrane sweep today and as ive been in slow labour since friday im hoping it will work, :dance:
plus im going shopping with my friend after so the walking should help
***** LABOUR DUST *****

Hope the sweep starts things moving forward for you :pray:
best of luck i'm sure it'll work, and get some rest before the big day!!
Labour dust sweetheart.

Hope LO decides to arrive soon :hug:
****Labour Dust*******

hope the sweep works
well ive had my sweep
apparantly im 1.5cm dialated and MW said i should go into labour in next few days :dance:
also LO is fully engaged and its shoulders are pressing on brim of my pelvis, so not long now hopefully :pray:

Oh how exciting hope it happends real soon for you
Katrina :hug:
ooooooooooooohhhh how exciting - good luck darlin'

sending you lots and lots of labour dust :hug: :hug: :hug: :cheer:
clairescunny55 said:
anything happening hun?

Nothing yet :cry:
I was having regular contractions all last night and i thought it was going to start but they stopped and now theyve gone back to being irregular!
Im having another membrane sweep on monday if nothing has happened and being booked in for induction, although the midwife did say i probably wouldnt get that far. Lets just hope :pray:
Have you tried going for a walk? My friend was in labour for a couple of day's :shock: , She decided to go for a walk to see if it worked and it did :dance: . So maybe that's worth a try good luck :hug: X
lou79 said:
Have you tried going for a walk? My friend was in labour for a couple of day's :shock: , She decided to go for a walk to see if it worked and it did :dance: . So maybe that's worth a try good luck :hug: X

Yea ive been walking well loads
Ive borrowed my friends space hopper to use as a birthing ball so maybe this will help lol

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