Labour Bag


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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Someone else has just put something on a thread which has reminded me of a question that I wanted to ask new mums.

Is there anything you packed, but just didn't need. Or anything you forgot to take and were lost without???

I was using this really old thread as my guideline as to what to take.
i put all my pants in my hospital bag which we decided to leave in the car for the time being. i really wished i'd put a couple of pairs in my labour bag as my waters just kept on coming and soaked everything i had on but i didnt want to go without pants just yet.

was also really pleased i pakced two flannels as they used one to give me a sponge bath after :wink: . glad i had the other one to wash with in the morning!

my only advice is dont go mad and pack lots as your only likely to be in a day or so and if you are in for longer your OH can bring extra stuff in
One thing I wish I DID take..... snacks!

One thing I find priceless.... Andrex Moist Toilet Tissue!!

Emilia xx
emilia said:
One thing I find priceless.... Andrex Moist Toilet Tissue!!

Emilia xx

Ooo, I like the sound of that!! That's definitely one for the list, thanks!

I'll also try and remember the pants and flannels Em, thanks.
One thing I wish I DID take..... snacks!

Me too thinking about it the food was crap hardly energy packed considering your gonna be in labour, but then again i wasnt allowed to eat once they started the drip going :( good job matthew arrived 10 hours later [/quote]
lol michelle i had gorgeous snacks my partners had brought for me but with the contractions i didnt want them, then when i went on the drip i got hungry as i hadnt eaten for hours... and i wasnt allowed anything :evil: couldnt they have told me????? lol

i used the thread to pack my bag but found i hardly needed anything and the stuff just got in my way, how annoying! i do recommend a small mirror though-for actual birth and then because there is ALWAYS someone in the bathroom when you need it to look human when you are getting visits
The only thing i did forget was my blooming hair brush hense why the pics of colby my hair was a

at our hospital they give u a bounty overnight pack its great has loads on it but i didnt get mine till i was going home so was a bit

one thing i took but didnt need was baby bath towels as the hospital provided them, i think i went a bit ott with all the stuff i took as i wasnt sure how long i would be their for so it was a case for my stuff and one for all colbys stuff (all that for 2 , well from 10pm on the monday till 2pm on the wednesday)

one thing i wished i had taken was batteries for the flamming t.v remote as everyone of them in the ward didnt have batteries in them and i couldnt reach to turn it overect so was stuck on all night.
I packed everything bar the kitchen sink & didn't use most of it! I also took loads of snacks & sweets but like Pip got put on a drip so wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything other than sips of water, didn't feel like eating anyway. :(

I took loads of toiletries (all new, nice stuff) & didn't use them, because I had so many stitches they said just to wash with water & not use any products :(

I also took loads of outfits for Jamie & he only wore 3!

I guess its wise to take everything you may need (could keep it in the car) as you don't know how long you'll be in for or send your hubby out if you do need it.

I like nicki took everything bar the kitchen sink and again didn't use half of it!!! I had my toilet bag packed full of all my lovely toiletries but couldn't use them as I too had stictches and was told to not put anything in the water!! I took a lip balm to use as gas and air dries your lips but I didn't use the gas and air so didn't need my lip balm!! I had also packed 2 bottles of lucozade for energy and again they didn't get opened till the next day!! I spent lots of time pondering what to wear to give birth in - I had a large satin nitea packed for the occasion - but as things happened so fast I didn't get chance to wear it, just had my t-shirt and bra on for contractions which was whipped off for the delivery so was totally naked when Jacob was born and placed onto me! I would recommend to take in lots of pairs of big knickers - I had to ask my mum to go and buy me some more as I was bleeding really heavy and needed more pairs! I am sure if you are like me you will pack everything just to be on the safe side and bring back most of it unused!!!

oh yeah i forgot take some black bags in with you too as by the time u have used what u have ie, dirty washing and then all the gifts and freebies you get u will neeed some extra bags, we had to get some from the hospital and they were clear ones :shock: but never
I packed lavender oil and alsorts for labour expected it to be perfect nice and relaxed and having a nice back rub with lavender! :roll: yeh right , I didnt even take my bag up to the labour ward with me I was told to leave it there so had absolutly nothing with me!

one tip is take early baby baby gro's. I had a big baby 8lb 4oz, but still found all the newborn stuff too big for her (for up to 7lb :!: ) Ended up having to go to next about 3 days after she was born to buy some early baby stuff!
Best thing I took was Jaffa cakes.

Wish I had taken more bottles of water and nipple cream. Also a good book for the times when baby is asleep but you can't and there are no visitors.
wish I'd taken my credit card. Our hospital have the new fangle dangle tv / internet / phone things but I didn't know before I went in. I kept forgetting to ask OH to bring it in, and by the time I did remember it was time to go home
I took in snacks but didn't feel like eating them.

I would say pack extra things like nappies, baby clothes and stuff for yourself. I only took in a few because I thought I'd be out in a day or two but I had to stay in for 5 days and started running out of things :(

If your planning to have gas and air then I would also take in a drink that you like. The gas and air made me well dehydrated and made my mouth well dry so I was stuck drinking warm water from the hospital :shock:

Rachel xx
Just wondered how many nappies you think I will need to pack (hoping to only be in a couple of days all going well)?? :D

MY bag looks more like I am planning a month's stay rather than a few days :D
i took one bag of newborn nappies just to be on the safe side, im glad i did cos Colby was pooping black tar every half hour, next day i got home only had 8
i'm confussed.... at my parent craft class they explained what would happen when you arrive at the hospital. Aparently your shown to your own room. You stay in this room to deliver and then sleep unless you need an epidural, when your taken to the delivery suite. So what would i need to take with me out of my hospital bag if i needed an epidural? at the moment i have the usual... 2 big t'shirt type nighties, and 2 pairs of PJ's, toiletries, underwear etc - I was planning to wear PJ's until i was close to pushing - then i'd change into my nightie... if i get moved to a delivery room... what should i take? wil i need my drinks etc... what about toiletries? there's no saying you'll go back to your own room after! all depends on the birth... (so what would happen to my bags - especially the babies). If you need the MW to keep an eye on you then you'll go to the ward... if not you go back to your own room...

i would doubt you would want to change in the height of labour and would suggest at this time of year the maternity unit is going to be boiling so i would just wear your nighties/t shirts, i was given a gown when i went to the delivery suite as i was induced they put me on a drip so i got given a gown in case of complications and needed an epidural etc.

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