'L' driving thread IM BACK

It was fun, and it was a freebie hour and a half!

Hour of it was discussing the car, cock pit control etc.

The last half an hour I did clutch control - yes i drove the car lol, was great fun. Did a hill stop start, and i did really well on that :cheer: did some steering around the garage and it was extreme steering getting used to the wheel, so was going around in squares, circles etc :rotfl: it took a few gos to get used to it.
I did some reversing, that was okay as well and was all clutch work. Didnt hit the gas once today!

I have another monday and he said it was a what to expect first lesson.

Overall very nice lesson! Roll on Monday for number 2 driving lesson!
well done hun :clap: :clap: glad you enjoyed it you will be drivingin no time :dance:
Glad it went well and if you enjoyed it then your halfway there. :D
Aww well done, :cheer: I didnt even get to drive on my first lesson :shakehead:
Good luck for your next one x
Ps I hated hill starts :lol:
aww well done! wow its 11 years since my first driving lesson! iv heard theyre harder now dont u have to go on the motorway? i didnt brave the motorway until i was 24- a whole seven years since i passed my test! only just getting confident on them now really! glad u enjoyed it! its SOOOOO liberating being able to drive :dance: cant imagine how expensive it must be though- parents paid for mine! hehe
trixipaws said:
aww well done! wow its 11 years since my first driving lesson! iv heard theyre harder now dont u have to go on the motorway? i didnt brave the motorway until i was 24- a whole seven years since i passed my test! only just getting confident on them now really! glad u enjoyed it! its SOOOOO liberating being able to drive :dance: cant imagine how expensive it must be though- parents paid for mine! hehe

Aww bless you trix!

I wont be going on the motor way unless i do the plus pass test, which is like 150 quid extra. I had a freebie lesson yesterday but when I do my proper lesson on monday for 90 minutes it is £30. About avaerage for now i understand!

Is going to be expensive but all worth in the long run.

Scared though a bit and i was thinking afterwards am i going to get any better?
course you will get better babe...it is true what they say though, you dont truely learn how to drive till after you have passed the test.

Just take it as it comes and enjoy it :)
Right its my second lesson tomorrow and Im ashamed to say i cant remeber how to start the car, though can remember how to stop on a hill and peep and creep, omg ive lost it and think im the most stupid person to learn to drive.

Why am I so panicky before the actual lesson but as soon as im behind the wheel im fine.

Omg il be going on the road tomorrow, last time i was driving around a derelict garage.

WTF if i stall on the fooking road ARRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!
im sure once ur in the drivin seat ul be fine Mrs T, i was exactly the same! :lol: :lol:
Good luck tomorrow (today) with your driving, this isnt to scare you or make you nervous its meant to be funny...
My dad gave me a few lessons once when i was doing my actual lessons to help me practice, i reversed into a flowerbed in a car park and he said stop the car..got out swapped seats with me and never took me out again :lol: :lol: :lol:

And once i had this really bad driving instructor who made me drive him to a shop so he could buy doritos!!
Also a bus nearly drove into me on my second ever lesson..it was the buses fault it didnt give way to me on a mini roundabout! but it shit me up!!

Annnyway...have a fab lesson just think of all the shit drivers on the road if they can drive so can you...only..much better :-) thats what i used to think to myself! :hug: :hug: :hug:
dont worry babe.

If you stall, you stall. Dont panic about it cos that will make you more likely to stall. Just take a deep breath and listen to what the instructor tells you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I still stall sometimes now love so dont worry, and if the drivers behind start to get impatient, take even longer :moon:
you will be fab hun so dont worry :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hmphh i could of sworn my lesson started at half 10 today. Well im still ere so im guessing my mummy brain got it wrong i hope.

Maybe uts half 11, hope he hurries up im in two minds today, pissed off and nervous.
aww chick my instructor was late quite a bit too :(

have a drink and just chill out for a bit :) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Its annoying, i hope it was for half 11 and he will come up the road any minute :(

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