Hi All
Well, what an experience. My birth was Amazing!!
Started having contractions at 1.30am on Sunday 23/03 every 10 minutes. When they got to 5 mins I rang the hospital and they said I should go in for monitoring and to get checked out - that was at 5am.
Got there, got strapped to a monitor and they did a trace for 30 mins. Baby's heart rate was decelerating as I had a contraction so midwife decided to keep me on trace a bit longer and then examined me. I was only 1cm and she sent me home.
Contractions were still quite strong on Monday, but subsided in the afternoon so I thought maybe it was false labour. Our neighbour invited us around for dinner and the contractions came back...we timed them and they were around 8 mins apart.
By 11pm I was not liking the pain so rang the hospital again and they said I should come back. Got there, was strapped to a monitor again and then examined. I was 2cm dilated and the contractions were at 4 mins apart. Midwife wanted to send me home again, but then noticed the same thing on the trace regarding the decelerations in baby's heart beat with each contraction. She decided to keep me in the delivery suite for another hour to monitor and then she would decide what to do, so I hung about, had a bath and waited.
The midwife came back in and said that it was up to me what to do next. She said if I wanted to stay that would be fine or if I wanted to go she would let me. I decided to stay and got sick as the pain was getting stronger. Not long after that I started with gas and air and it was AMAZING
I could still feel the pain, but it took the edge off and took my mind to another place so even though I knew what was going on and knew that it hurt, it didnt really matter. My hubby says I was screaming, and I kept telling him I was not screaming and I could hear myself say oww oww oww oww with each contraction. He recorded me on his phone and we laugh about it hysterically now. I was quite out of it, but it was cool!
It took me forever to get to established labour, but when the midwife shift change occured at 7am and the new midwife examined me I was at 6cm. I had a pethadine injection and can honestly say it made no difference at all - I should have just stuck to gas and air. I made it clear that I may want an epidural but also wanted to use the pool, but there was another lady using it and they said that she would be at least another four hours and I may have popped by then. I was hoping to use the pool so just hung on and eventually declined the epi. Midwife examined me again as I felt wet between my legs and she confirmed it was my show and I was 9cm.
Shortly after they were running the water for the pool for me
I got into the pool at about 10h55 and it was nice, but then came that incredible urge to push. This is the thing that sticks out most in my mind when I think back. Oh my goodness - to control myself was really tough - you know you cant push cos you will tear but the urge is so strong it just takes over...
Not long after the midwife could see the membranes bulging and she said that with the next urge I should just go with it, take a deep breath, hold it, push my chin into my chest and bear down....well at this point hubby was on the floor laughing as I took in the deep breath, but blew it out before the push causing bubbles in the water. I wasnt listening and they were all laughing at me cos I was doing it all wrong
Eventually I did listen and after 2 pushes his head appeared and OMG did it sting. Next contraction came and with another push, he was delivered onto my chest - membranes still intact (apparently this is lucky?). They broke the membrane and we heard a massive cry - it was the most amazing sound Ive ever heard and I looked up at Glen and he was crying. I could hear myself making the crying noises but did not have any tears - think they ran out when I was experiencing such agonising contractions
Glen cut the cord and had some bonding time with baby while I got out to deliver the placenta. We were then left alone for about an hour to bond as a family.
Korbyn Ross Hale was born at 11.24am on Monday 25th March weighing in at 7lb 2oz.
He is the best thing since bubble gum and we are so in love with him.
Thanks to Fi for texting me to find out what was happening - sorry I didnt contact you - I was so out of it with the gas and air that I couldnt even talk properley let alone text.
Things are manic - very tired after having not slept for about 3 days, but its worth all of it. Our little angel is adorable and we are so proud!!
Well, what an experience. My birth was Amazing!!
Started having contractions at 1.30am on Sunday 23/03 every 10 minutes. When they got to 5 mins I rang the hospital and they said I should go in for monitoring and to get checked out - that was at 5am.
Got there, got strapped to a monitor and they did a trace for 30 mins. Baby's heart rate was decelerating as I had a contraction so midwife decided to keep me on trace a bit longer and then examined me. I was only 1cm and she sent me home.
Contractions were still quite strong on Monday, but subsided in the afternoon so I thought maybe it was false labour. Our neighbour invited us around for dinner and the contractions came back...we timed them and they were around 8 mins apart.
By 11pm I was not liking the pain so rang the hospital again and they said I should come back. Got there, was strapped to a monitor again and then examined. I was 2cm dilated and the contractions were at 4 mins apart. Midwife wanted to send me home again, but then noticed the same thing on the trace regarding the decelerations in baby's heart beat with each contraction. She decided to keep me in the delivery suite for another hour to monitor and then she would decide what to do, so I hung about, had a bath and waited.
The midwife came back in and said that it was up to me what to do next. She said if I wanted to stay that would be fine or if I wanted to go she would let me. I decided to stay and got sick as the pain was getting stronger. Not long after that I started with gas and air and it was AMAZING

It took me forever to get to established labour, but when the midwife shift change occured at 7am and the new midwife examined me I was at 6cm. I had a pethadine injection and can honestly say it made no difference at all - I should have just stuck to gas and air. I made it clear that I may want an epidural but also wanted to use the pool, but there was another lady using it and they said that she would be at least another four hours and I may have popped by then. I was hoping to use the pool so just hung on and eventually declined the epi. Midwife examined me again as I felt wet between my legs and she confirmed it was my show and I was 9cm.
Shortly after they were running the water for the pool for me

I got into the pool at about 10h55 and it was nice, but then came that incredible urge to push. This is the thing that sticks out most in my mind when I think back. Oh my goodness - to control myself was really tough - you know you cant push cos you will tear but the urge is so strong it just takes over...
Not long after the midwife could see the membranes bulging and she said that with the next urge I should just go with it, take a deep breath, hold it, push my chin into my chest and bear down....well at this point hubby was on the floor laughing as I took in the deep breath, but blew it out before the push causing bubbles in the water. I wasnt listening and they were all laughing at me cos I was doing it all wrong

Eventually I did listen and after 2 pushes his head appeared and OMG did it sting. Next contraction came and with another push, he was delivered onto my chest - membranes still intact (apparently this is lucky?). They broke the membrane and we heard a massive cry - it was the most amazing sound Ive ever heard and I looked up at Glen and he was crying. I could hear myself making the crying noises but did not have any tears - think they ran out when I was experiencing such agonising contractions

Glen cut the cord and had some bonding time with baby while I got out to deliver the placenta. We were then left alone for about an hour to bond as a family.
Korbyn Ross Hale was born at 11.24am on Monday 25th March weighing in at 7lb 2oz.
He is the best thing since bubble gum and we are so in love with him.
Thanks to Fi for texting me to find out what was happening - sorry I didnt contact you - I was so out of it with the gas and air that I couldnt even talk properley let alone text.
Things are manic - very tired after having not slept for about 3 days, but its worth all of it. Our little angel is adorable and we are so proud!!