Know we all have a moan at times


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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but i am sure we will miss our bumps and the excitment of waiting for labour to start, i know i will. Of course i cant wait to hold my little man and meet him, but will def miss my bump. Though not the pains and aches.

Happy waiting for labour times everyone

marie x
Ill miss my bump too
ive loved watching my son grown and feel him inside of me its sooooooooo sweet.

but im starting to feel those urrrr ive still got ..... this long to go emotions bumps getting huge having the beggings of the not so cute stuff that occurs in tri3

but ive loved being preggers im as pleased as punch and so proud to show of my bump to the world

looking forward to meeting holding and kissing my Son even more :hug:
I was thinking I'll really miss my bump a few weeks ago but now I think I'll be much more interested in the baby that I can push in the pushchair and that doesnt weigh 10 tons and stops me from turning over in bed and moving :lol:
aww i dont miss my bump... but i do miss the excitement... and i miss the first couple of days in hospital when it was just me and leah on our own :D :D :D
I'll miss mine but not the last few weeks as his movements have gotten painful and I'm fed up now

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