Know I am having a miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2012
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we have been trying for 3 years although I thought it was useless as I was abused as a child and told there was a high chance of not being able to get pregnant. I had a miscarriage in may but never went to the hospital. Had an appointment at the doctors, explained to him and he said I was having a miscarriage. So we kept trying and got pregnant again. you may know had a bleed at 7 weeks, saw just the sac. At the scan a week later saw heartbeat although measured slightly less days than I thought I was. The bleed I had started on Friday, have had cramps and large clots passed, still bleeding now, but hardly any getting to a pad. I went to the hospital and they could not scan me as it was 2am, so checked me over and said to phone epu tomorrow. David has history of twins in his family so I am clinging to that. Suppose will just have to wait till tomorrow.
Just feel so empty at the moment xxx
So sad to hear this. I guess it's impossible to say until the scan but the twin thing can happen. - it happened to my best friend. That said, she was told it was pretty unusual so I don't want to raise your hopes too high. I've had bleeding in successful pregnancies and 3 iscarriages and its rotten waiting to find out what's happening. Hope it will all turn out well for you. Sending hugs xx

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