*+*+* Kim's Bits !!*+*+* new stuff added

Bloom said:
Kim is that head support just for newborns or will it last till baby can hold her own head up?

it's quite wide so will most probably last until way after newborn
CH0C0H0LIC said:
Do you accept cash/cheque as I cant get paypal to work... I'm interested in the pink dress and the pretty white dress? Let me know if they are still available please and if I can have them. :D

No idea if I'm having a boy or girl yet but have a party to go to a week or so after baby is born so if a boy I'll pretend I haven't noticed his lil winky til after the party! :rotfl:

Ta very much
Sarah xxx

yes they're still available. Cheque would be best.
if you still want them, pm me and ill send you my address :cheer:
yeah it is elaine :)

how are u anyway long time no speak :D
I am very well thank you :D Hope you and Leah are all ok?

can i have it then puurrrleese :cheer:
of course u can my luvvly :D

we are fine thanks :D

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