Kicks actually really hurting


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
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I seem to have a bubba who never actually sleeps and is kicking me pretty much non stop day and night! For the last 4days Ive been kicked repeatedly in the same place in my side and it actually is really hurting now, it even made me cry last night :oops: God knows how I'll be in labour :lol:

Even my midwife has said I seem to have an unusually active bubba in there :shock: Probably means it takes after its daddy, he is always doing something and hates sitting still! Shame as I was hoping for a nice chilled baby who would happily sit around like me :lol:

Anyway Im not complaining as Im just happy to know bubba is happy and well in there but is there anything you would suggest I try just to get him/her to shift a bit so the kicks hit somewhere else? I feel sooo bruised on the inside on that one spot and Id just like it to be somewhere else for a change!
Have no suggestions, but have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug: I only tend to feel mine when I'm lying down....tho she/he is starting to do something to my bladder, cos I'm fine one min and the next am desperate for the loo! Sometimes in the middle of the night I'll turn over and get a real kick, probably telling me to stay still, i cant stay still at all when I'm sleeping!
:hug: :hug: :hug: Hope you are ok hun I know how it feels i sometimes get these kicks that make me sore!!!

wee man loves my right hand side and always kicks there and sometimes he bloody hurts me, always sticking his foot out as well, the little show off that he is! I sometimes find that if im rubbing my side after hes done it he tends to stop. He also does this kick right next to my belly button which has had my in tears cause it feels like hes going to kick through and a leg will pop out. :lol:
next time he kicks push him :rotfl:

thats what i do when ever baby chezza gets her foot stuck underneath my rib i just give her a gentle push and she seems to for non stop babby i have one of those, everytime i sit down its kick the crap outta mammy time :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Ive tried pushing back when a foot sticks out of my side, stops bubba for a second and then he/she kicks back even harder :lol: Obviously thinks its a game or doesnt like being pushed :rotfl: I think this baby is going to be trouble :lol:
I pushed a foot back in the other day and felt horrible after cause I felt like I had pushed it too hard poor thing so then I did the whole "mammy is really sorry" speech to my bump :oops: :lol: he sticks his foot out and if you tickle it he wips it back in and then out again like hes playing. Its soo cute!

When hes really going for it in bed I find if Lee puts his hand on my bump he seems to chill out. Dont know if he can sense its not me or just shy of his Dad but it always seems to calm him down abit
An active baby in the womb doesnt always mean an active baby when born, Alex was so active pretty much all the time, now he just sleeps eats and poops, mostly sleeps :lol:
Melly+2 said:
An active baby in the womb doesnt always mean an active baby when born, Alex was so active pretty much all the time, now he just sleeps eats and poops, mostly sleeps :lol:

Ooooh fingers crossed this bubba is the same then :lol: Maybe its using all its energy up before its born!! :lol: Seems to have shifted a bit today thank god so the kicks are now not so sore. Took long enough to move though!!
I know just how you feel hun,my last baby was very very active...always kicking me in the ribs in the same spot and like you i actually cried through the pain once,my OH said its a good sign the baby was so active etc...which of course was true but he didnt have to suffer it,while he got a full nights sleep i was up most the night unable to whenever baby started kicking i would press my bump into his back and let baby kick him....he would always wake up in the morning saying he must of been led funny cus his kidneys were killing...oooooo payback :rotfl:
I have heard that if you get on all fours and rotate your hips it should encourage LO to move and change position. Not tried it myself thou!
DaisieBee said:
I have heard that if you get on all fours and rotate your hips it should encourage LO to move and change position. Not tried it myself thou!

I tried this yesterday as OH also suggested it, problem was I got down on all fours in the middle of the floor and then he buggered off to work, fair enough but I couldnt get back up again :rotfl: :rotfl: I had to crawl across the room and haul myself up on the table :rotfl:

I'll be letting bubba kick him in the back for that one :rotfl:

Just to say it did work though as bubba moved so its worth a try if you have the same problem, just make sure you can get up again :lol:

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